To: The Chairman – Cllr M Facey and Cllr P Clayton (Vice Chair), Cllr C Allen, Cllr B Hancock, Cllr L Parkin, Cllr N Tolley, Cllr A Matthews, Cllr H Groves, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr S Harvey, Cllr M Murphy, Cllr R Gardiner White, Cllr A Brewer (Ex-officio)
You are hereby summoned to attend the next remote access meeting of the Finance & Resources Committee to be held at 7pm on Monday 27th April 2020.
Yours sincerely
Samantha Winter
Town Clerk
20th April 2020
This meeting will be held remotely using Zoom. The meeting invitation is:
Meeting ID: 988 4698 3562
Password: 790090
Please visit for guidance on how to gain remote public access to the meeting and for all non-confidential meeting papers.
A public participation session will be held prior the commencement of the formal agenda. Anyone wishing to speak on any matter should give notice to the Clerk by midday on the last working day before the meeting. No resolution can be made on any matter that is not on the agenda.
Please be aware that meetings are recorded
- To receive apologies for non-attendance
- To receive any declarations of interest on items included on this Agenda.
- To receive and approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on Monday 13th January 2020
- To note updates to the Action List
- To receive an operational update from the Town Clerk
- Motions for note/resolution
5.1 To review the payments made by direct debit
5.2 To note that the quarterly sign off of the accounts has been undertaken
5.3 To approve the administrative system applied under delegated authority to permit use of the grants budget in response to tackling the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and to note that any payments made under the system will be reported to the Council at the following relevant meeting.
5.4 In consideration of resolution min ref: 39/20/TC, to formalise the relocation working group for the purposes of pursuing discussions regarding the acquisition of the former SS&L building.
5.5 To note the internal auditors last report and actions - Financial Reports
6.1 To note the most recent financial reports - The next meeting of this committee will be held on Monday 6th July at a location to be confirmed.