Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th February 2020 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, The Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea.
Present: Cllr Louise Parkin (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Dawn Carey, Sue Barber, Mike Murphy, Colette Winfield with Samantha Winter (Town Clerk), Beccy Armory (Business Development Officer).
3 members of the public and one member of the press were in attendance.
Public Participation
There were no requests to speak.
01/20/PMC Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs Phil Harvey, Sue Harvey, Nick Tolley & Andy Hodge
02/20/PMC Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda
No interests were declared and no dispensations were granted
03/20/PMC Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Princess Management Committee meeting held on 3rd December 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
04/20/PMC Action List
The Action List was noted as complete.
05/20/PMC To receive a report Business Development Officer
Motions for note/resolution
The meeting received a report detailing a successful grant award of £1000 funding from Somerset County Council for a daytime choir. The Princess is the only arts centre in Somerset to receive funding through the County Council for artistic activities. The theatre was also awarded £500 from Somerset Community Foundation for Mental Health Wellbeing projects.
Panto was successful with ticket sales coming in just under £10,000. The BDO confirmed that the Princess looks forward to hosting it again next year.
The Visual Arts strategy is underway and the current exhibition has increased footfall in the café space, as well as increased gallery income.
All training & qualifications required for the smooth running of the Princess are being arranged, with health and safety remaining at the forefront of future planning and works.
The meeting received an update on the PV cells and the necessary changes to operational procedures.
Members considered the art work for the logo refresh on the new website. The meeting was in agreement with the designs proposed by the Business Development Officer who reported that it is anticipated the completed website will be ready within the next 6 weeks.
A Volunteer Day has been scheduled for 27th February when there will be an informal open day with tours of the building with sign up opportunities.
06/20/PMC To retrospectively approve a change in contract provider for the intruder alarm system.
The meeting heard that a change in contract provider would save the Princess £1281 per year.
It was resolved to retrospectively approve the change in contract for the intruder alarm system.
07/20/PMC To approve a change to the contract provider for the fire alarm system.
The meeting heard that a change in contract provider would save the Princess £1190 per year.
It was resolved to retrospectively approve the change in contract for the fire alarm system.
08/20/PMC To approve a change to the contract provider for the emergency lighting servicing
The meeting heard that a change in contract provider would save the Princess £348 per year.
It was resolved to retrospectively approve the change in contract for the emergency lighting system.
09/20/PMC To receive an update on the CIM funded refurbishment plans
The specification and drawings went out to six contractors for pricing, with tenders due back by 12 noon, Friday 28th February. The requirements within the Financial Regulations for opening the tenders will be applied and the working group will then review the scope of work possible for the available budgets. It is expected that the successful contractor will be in a position to undertake the works over the summer.
10/20/PMC To receive an update on the condition of the car park wall and agree repairs.
The meeting heard that a survey has been commissioned to identify the cause of the crack to the wall and quotes for repair have been sought. Discussions will be held with a neighbouring property on how to proceed.
11/20/PMC To approve interim changes to the opening hours/closure on Saturdays
The meeting heard that, due to a mid-week incident, a decision was taken on grounds of staff health & safety to close the Princess on Saturday 8th February. The meeting considered the income & footfall from Saturday opening and agreed it is not viable to open the café at the present time.
It was resolved to approve changes to the opening hours & closure on Saturdays.
Financial Reports
12/20/PMC The income and expenditure reports for December 2019 were received.
Next meeting
13/20/PMC It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on Tuesday 14th April 2020 at 7pm The Old Courthouse.