The Boundary Commission has the task of periodically reviewing all the Parliamentary constituencies in England. It is currently conducting a review on the basis of rules most recently updated by Parliament in 2020. These latest rules retain 650 constituencies for the UK Parliament as a whole and require constituencies that they propose or recommend to comply with strict parameters, in particular as far as the number of electors in each constituency is concerned.
Within Sedgemoor, there are two parliamentary constituencies – Bridgwater and West Somerset and Wells. There was a consultation period in between June and August 2021 whereby residents could have their say about potential changes to boundaries and names. Sedgemoor District Council sent a formal response back to the Boundary Commission in July 2021.
There is now a further round of consultation for people to have their say. Those wishing to make a spoken representation at a public hearing are strongly encouraged to book a timed slot in advance. To book, and click on your chosen hearing. You will then be invited to register via the booking platform Eventbrite. A step by step guide for booking via Eventbrite is published on the Boundary Commissions public hearings webpage.