From April the new Somerset Council will be responsible for all waste services.
Somerset’s councils have worked together on waste services for years as SWP, so it will be business as usual apart a few tweaks.
Importantly, there will be no change to collections or recycling sites and the SWP team behind the scenes will simply become part of the new council. So, you shouldn’t notice the switch at all .
SWP website content will move to its own waste section of a Somerset Council website which goes live in April.
You’ll be able to do all the online waste tasks that you can do on the SWP site.
That includes everything you can do using the My Waste Services feature which is coming with us (order containers, report missed collections, garden waste subscriptions etc). You’ll also still be able to check your days using the My Collection Days feature.
And, there will still be separate social media for all things waste (@somersetwaste).
A single phone number will replace district numbers, live for waste calls from the start of April.
It’s an exciting new era and we’ll be saying farewell to the SWP name and branding. Some things will change immediately (like the website and social media branding) some gradually (like vehicles and signage as part of the usual refreshing of things).