Now, more than ever, people are fully appreciating their local green spaces. Sedgemoor District Council has over fifty play areas and can you now find out about them on our website. The interactive map shows all the play areas and a brief description of the facilities. All Sedgemoor Sites

issued on behalf of Friends of Apex Park
Taking advantage of the fine weather, the Friends of Apex Park Improvements Group started sowing sunflower seeds last week to complement the fantastic wildflower meadow section. This year, we’re designating a patch specifically for sunflowers, which we’re sure will become the feature of many photographs this summer. As well as getting rave reviews from the public, we think the bees and butterflies will be pretty pleased about the colourful changes at Apex Park with the sunflower section, as each flower will act as a giant refuelling station for hundreds of them during the summer. Birds such as Goldfinch, Sparrows and Tits will also take advantage of the nutritious seeds in the autumn and winter. Why not share your photos with us on the Friends of Apex Park’s Facebook page: Friends of Apex Park | Facebook

The Friends of Apex Park will be taking part in the Great British Spring Clean with a litter pick of Apex Park on Wednesday, 9th June at 10 a.m. Anyone is welcome to join.