Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council



Report for councillors:                 The costs of Covid-19 to the Council  

Issued to:                                         Finance & Resources Committee Meeting 6th July 2020

Purpose of Report to provide a breakdown of actual and projected costs of Covid-19


Please be aware that due to our current situation this subject is rapidly changing and the information contained may very well be out of date before you even get chance to read it.

Due to the current epidemic there has been and will continue to be additional expenditure that the Council has authorised.

It is projected that the additional cleaning, PPE and protective equipment will come to £4,046.50 for Council staff.

The current committed staffing cost of the road safety changes is £6269.33 up to July 8th. It is projected that the Town centre road closure will cost a further £12538.66 in staffing if this continues to September 2020.

The handyman was reinstated for one month longer than originally planned which cost £958.

The home working costs so far have totalled £400.72, this included zoom, ink and some one-off costs for PC cabling.

Financial implications

The projected cost until the 6th July 2020 is £7,618.47


The Council should agree what money is going to be used to pay for the additional costs of cleaning and PPE as there is not enough in the current budgets to sustain these costs. EMR report it is attached.

As councillors have been made aware, there was an expectation from Government that some Town and Parish Councils might need financial support from the CV19 support grant. However, SDC clarified that it requires parishes to first demonstrate extreme financial difficulty and look first to reserves.

Home working costs will come out of the relevant codes such as stationary and IT and the reduction in other costs will support those budgets.

Report author: Sally Jones, Responsible Finance Officer        

Report Date: 29th June 2020         

Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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