Volunteer reward scheme
The Princess Theatre and Arts Centre over the year 19/20 achieved more than 2000 volunteer hours. Our volunteers play a huge part in shaping The Princess’s character and we could not run the building without them.
Body of Report
Unfortunately, thanks to COVID, a number of our volunteers have stepped away from service due to ill health or shielding reasons. As we gear up for reopening we must go through a period of recruitment for more volunteers. It is important that we show them our appreciation and reward their hard work.
Financial implications
Volunteer hours are worth: £17820 per annum
Members do not pay booking fees:
40 volunteers: 4 tickets per year £160
40 volunteers: 8 tickets per year £320
40 volunteers: 10 tickets per year £400
The majority of volunteers generally choose to watch a show as an usher as opposed to attending as a patron.
I would like to recommend we offer all volunteers membership to The Princess; past (during BDO’s tenure), present and future.
Author: Beccy Armory
Title: Business Development Officer