Please help us to keep this page up to date.
Please let us know if your group’s entry is wrong or if it’s not listed below and you would like us to add it.
There are lots of fabulous community groups in the towns of Burnham & Highbridge and we want to help them publicise them all to new members!
BAY Centre, Cassis Close, Chair, Mike Lang 07889 815860, Bookings 07411 066546
Highbridge Community Youth Centre S. Bickerton 07871 187176
Scout Movement
1st Burnham Scouts, Cubs & Beavers
Group Scout Leader, Toby Beard 07966 195542
Highbridge Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Mrs Sue Hunter 01278 783255
Guide Movement
District Commissioner, Mrs Vicky Hooper 01278 781519
Brownies (Highbridge) Mrs Sue Marshall 01278 792797
Guides (Highbridge) Mrs Sue Marshall 01278 792797
Brownies (Berrow)
Guides (Berrow)
Trefoil Guild, Secretary; Christine Hill at or 01278 788308. Chairman; Pat Payton on 01278 780799
Sea Cadets Corps, Burnham & Highbridge 01278 781028
Air Training Corps, David Mayhew 07894 947278
290 DF, The Cadet Centre, Burnham-on-Sea TA8 1LT |
Community Centre, Burnham on Sea 01278 792666 or email
Community Hall, Highbridge (Bookings) Martin- 07340924031
Princess Theatre & Arts Centre 01287 788088
Morland Community Hub 01278 782766 or email:
The King Alfred School and Academy Tel: 03330 110476
see the facilities here:
Acrobatic/Gymnastic Club, Monarch Sports Mandy Warburton 07738 909318 / 01278 793457
Angling Society (Highbridge) Mr C Brewer 01278 786230
Archers (Burnham Company of)
Art Club, Burnham on Sea Gill Burt 01278 784730
Badminton Club (King Alfred Sports Centre) 01278 786868
Band, Burnham & Highbridge Barry Benn 01934 239154
BARB (Burnham Area Rescue Boat) Mark Newman 07834 635 797 Roger Flower (President) 07957 533235
BASC (Burnham Association Sports Club) Mr Peter Gaylard 01278 788355
BMX Club, Burnham on Sea 07773 424601
BEST (Burnham Events Social Team) Peter Clayton 07850 240677 Kathy Jones 07743 355436
BOSFEST Tanya Dyer 01278 780786
Bowls Club, Burnham Short Mat Mr Clive Pearce 01278 785710
Boxing Club, Titans(King Alfred Sports Centre) 07595 070150
BIARS – Burnham Information and Rescue Support 01278 787852
Burnham Boat Owners Mr Simon Stroud 01278 794573 or 07881 910477
Burnham Bowling Club Mr Richard Young
Mr Malcolm Rawles 01278 789859 / 01278 788182
CADS (Cultural Arts Development Society) Mr Mike Murphy 01278 792121
Carnival Club, Hillview Lyn Burland 01278 785185
Carnival Committee, Burnham Mr Phil New 01278 780219
Chamber of Trade & Commerce (Burnham) Mr Mark Newman 07834635797
Chamber of Trade & Commerce (Highbridge) Mr Mike Murphy 01278 792121
Children’s Hospice SW (Highbridge) Angela Davies 01271 325270 / 01278 785826
Choral Society, Burnham & Highbridge Mr P Read 01278 641640
Coastline Singers Mrs M Lawrence 01278 784184
Conservation Volunteers Sedgemoor A & N Lees 01278 641521
Conservative Association, Burnham Mr Peter Clayton 07850 240677, Kathy Jones 07743 355436
Conservative Association, Highbridge Mrs Janet Keen 01278 782909
Cricket Club, Burnham Andy Birkett 01278 780925
Eat Festival, Bev Milner Simmonds 07973 378735
Festival of the Arts, Highbridge Ms Clare Catcheside 01278 793813
Friends of Burnham War Memorial Hospital, Ceri Joyce 01278 323794
Fritzlar Twinning Society (Germany) Pauline Knight 01278 794336
Fibromyalgia Somerset & Invisable ME Wellbeing Group Lizzy Oakley 07815 606372
Gateway Club Mrs B Thorogood 01278 229051
Golf Club, Burnham & Berrow Karen Drake 01278 785760
Harriers, Burnham on Sea Mr Brian Beale 01934 732310
History Group, North Sedgemoor Mr J Strickland 01278 788680
Horticultural Society Mr D Bryant 01278 788058
King Alfred Concert Band Sheila Philip 01278 784881
Libraries (Central Information Line) 03001 232224
Lions International Club Clare Oliver 07882 612515
Masonic Lodge (Freemasons) Mr J Kidd 01278 684409
Men’s Shed Burnham & Highbridge,
Model Railway Club, Burnham & District Mr David BySouth 07780 796741
Moose International Terry Cornelius 01278 784645
Moose International (Ladies Section) Pat Burge 01278 788134
Morland Community Hub 01278 782766
Morris Men (Chalice) Mr B Cross 01934 623850
Motor Boat & Sailing Club, Burnham on Sea 01278 792911 / 07563 390046
Mudlarks Community Choir Peter Olsen 01278 783176
Pantomime Society (Burnham & District) Gavin Holman 01278 783973
Philosophical Society, Burnham on Sea
RAF Association 01162 665224
Red Cross Medical Loan, Burnham 01278 789934
Ritz Social Club Paul Hale 01278 785365
Rotary Club, Burnham-on-Sea Hugh J Mackay 01278 787579
Round Table, 41 Club 07765 666562
Royal British Legion Ruth Crosby 01278 238723
Rugby Club, Burnham on Sea Colin Hicks, Chair 07814 663395
Social Club, Highbridge 01278 782446
Somerset Breast Cancer Holly MacBeth 07738 405085
Sports Centre (King Alfred) 01278 786868
St John’s Ambulance Mr R Azevedo 08447 704800
St John’s Ambulance – Badgers 01278 726744
St John’s Ambulance – Cadets Supt:Mrs Westlake 01278 788282
St Margaret’s Hospice, Friends of Mrs D Hewlitt 08450 708910
Swim & Sports Academy 01278 785909
Tai Chi, Bubbling Springs Mrs C Mountford 01278 781544
Tae Kwon Do (Gemini) Jane Lambert 01278 793422
Tennis Club, The Avenue Greg Spink 01278 782758
University of the Third Age, Burnham Paul Hambleton 01278 788452
University of the Third Age, Highbridge Mrs Burston 01278 782529
War Games Club, Escape Committee Mr S Matthews 01278 780193
Welsh Society, Burnham & District Mrs Ulia Davies 01278 788428
Wine Circle Mr D Cooper 01278 789773
WI, Burnham afternoon Pat Barthram 01278 794695
WI, Burnham evening Janice Bennett 07552 735511
Curtain Call, School of Performing Arts
01278 238087
Dancefit Academy 07701 045993
Kazdanz Youth Dance Company (Weds 7-9pm) King Alfred Sports Centre 01278 786868
Brean David Haines 01278 752111
Burnham & Berrow Karen Drake 01278 785760
Berrow Juniors
Burnham United
Burnham United Juniors
Highbridge Football Club
Burnbridge Wanderers