The Town Council operates a committee structure and has delegated certain powers to those committees so that they can undertake the work of the Council. For all committee meetings to proceed a quorum of three councillors is required.
The Council has a Finance & Governance Committee, a Planning Committee and an Assets & Amenities Commitee.
Committees meet according to the agreed schedule, unless an additional meeting is called (known as an extraordinary meeting). Meetings are usually held at Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council offices.
The Committees Terms of Reference and Schemes of Delegation Policy can be found here: This contains all the information related to the responsibilities of each commitee.
Current committee membership can be found here:
Committee meetings will be open to the press and public in line with legislation. However, a Committee may resolve to exclude the press and public from part or all of the meeting when discussing confidential matters not in the public interest. Each committee meeting allocates 15 minutes prior to consideration of the agenda to allow members of the public to raise any issue relevant to that committee.
Councillors also represent the council on some outside bodies. To see the current list please click here