Latest News

Tender Opportunity
We are inviting interested parties to submit a tender for the cleaning of the Public Conveniences in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge Download the full tender documents by clicking here: Contracts – Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council
Bridgwater Armed Forces Link Worker job
Organisation: ARK at Egwood CICJob Title: Armed Forces Link WorkerResponsible to: ARK’s Armed Forces LeadResponsible for: Delivering high quality, effective and responsive support to members ofthe Armed Forces Community (AFC) in Bridgwater and surrounding areas

Tender Opportunity
We are inviting interested parties to submit a tender for Technical Services for shows and events at The Princess Theatre & Arts Centre a 200 seat Theatre in the seaside town of Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset. Download

Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Community Growing Group at Marine Cove
The Burnham and Highbridge Community Growing Group met once again on Tuesday 11th February to complete their preparation of flower beds in Marine Cove. The remaining four flower beds were weeded and then covered with membrane.

Temporary Road Closure
Temporary Road Closure: ttro060631N – OR – Winchester Road, Burnham on Sea Please follow the link to view the above road closure; and the link for the Notice 2: The order becomes effective on 11th

Election of Councillor to the Burnham Central Ward of Burnham and Highbridge Town Council Declaration of Result of Poll
I, the undersigned, being the Deputy Returning Officer at the election of a councillor to the Burnham Central Ward, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each Candidate at the said

Middle Burnham By-Election
Don’t forget to vote in this Thursday’s (6th February 2025) by-election to vote for your new local councillor for Middle Burnham. Voting takes place in the Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, from 7am – 10pm.

Extra-ordinary Meetings
There will be an extra-ordinary meeting of the Assets & Amenities Committee at 6.00pm on Monday 10th February 2025 at Jaycroft Road. There will be an extra-ordinary meeting of the Town Council at 7.00pm on

Right Response, the consultation about how the Fire Brigade responds to automatic fire alarms
As part of this consultation, the Fire Service are hosting online question and answer sessions, to answer any questions that people might have about the proposals and listen to their views. At each session, people

Nominations sought for Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge Town Council Civic Awards 2025
The Town Council is looking for nominations for this year’s Civic Awards. If you knowof someone who has made a real difference in the community, then please let usknow.The categories are: Criteria details are available