An enthusiastic and hard-working group of volunteers from t Burnham and Highbridge in Bloom, Growing Group, the Town Rangers and three Councillors met on the Esplanade yesterday (Tuesday 11th June) to complete the planting of the flower beds.
A Town Council spokesperson said, “We are delighted to say that, after much planning and hard work by the Growing Group, all seven flower beds on the Esplanade have now been planted with sustainable, coastal plants. The flower beds look stunning and have already attracted many admiring comments from local residents and visitors walking along the Esplanade. We are very grateful for the efforts of our volunteers, who worked so hard to achieve this.”
A member of the Growing Group commented, “It is great to see the beds full of colourful, coastal plants. We have spent several mornings in recent weeks clearing, weeding and planting the beds. Our team of volunteers enjoyed the camaraderie and teamwork of coming together for such a worthwhile project. We hope everyone enjoys the displays!”