Thursday 2nd February 2023   Consultation on Acute Hospital-Based Stroke Services in Somerset  
Stroke is a sudden and life-changing event, and is a leading cause of death and disability in the UK. Over recent years, there have been significant advances in proven, highly effective methods of stroke treatment and care. 

After NHS Somerset’s Stroke Strategy review in 2019, we identified a need to evaluate current acute stroke services in Somerset. Acute hospital-based stroke services is the specialist hospital care people receive in the first few days and weeks when they first have a stroke. Our ambition is to develop services so that the people of Somerset receive timely interventions and are able to access world-class care, regardless of where they live. We believe that by improving the way stroke services are delivered, we can enable better coordination of care, ensuring all patients have access to the right help, in the right place, at the right time. 

We want to work closely with local people on the development of these services. We’re committed to understanding the needs of our local population to make sure we can continue to deliver the best possible health and care services in Somerset.  NHS Somerset is running a public consultation to gather feedback about the future of acute hospital based stroke services in Somerset, from people living in Somerset and people who use Somerset hospitals.

The consultation runs from Monday 30 January 2023 for 12 weeks until midnight on Monday 24 April 2023.  We want to hear your views on the future of hyper acute and acute stroke services in the county.  
Please click here to find out more and to share your views by completing the survey    

Building a Healthier Somerset Together    
f you, a family member or someone you care for is receiving care now, what would make it feel personalised and co-ordinated to meet your or their needs?
Which health and care issues matter most to you? What areas of health and care support would you like us to focus on?
As one of 580,000 residents in Somerset, we want to hear from you to help us make sure that everyone can live well, supported by thriving communities, with access to high-quality public services when you need them.
Don’t forget to have your say in the future of Somerset’s health and care by completing the questionnaire, which closes on Sunday 5th March 2023.   
Please click here to share your views and complete the questionnaire    

NHS Service Finder    
Find the right services … fast!

NHS Service Finder provides fast, accurate information about local health and social care services. It allows healthcare professionals to signpost patients to the most appropriate care and removes the reliance on outdated directories. It’s completely free and takes 2 minutes to register with your NHSmail address.
For more information please click below or email service.finder@nhs.net  
Please click here for more information    

Healthcare Inequalities: Access to NHS prescribing and exemption schemes in England    
Core20PLUS population uptake of NHS prescribing and exemption schemes
Working together with the National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, NHS Business Services Authority has published a new report on healthcare inequalities in relation to NHS prescribing and exemption schemes in England. The report considers uptake in deprived and under-served communities and provides actionable insights with a focus on three of the five clinical areas of focus outlined in the Core20PLUS5 approach – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hypertension, and severe mental illness (SMI).  
Please click here to read the Healthcare Inequalities report    

Diversity Trust – Trans Workshops  
Please click here to email Diversity Trust for more information    

Have Your Say  
South West Children’s Palliative Care Strategic Clinical Network (SWCPC SCN) are looking to hear from parents and families with experience of children’s palliative care services within the South West.
Willing parents and families are asked to provide their experiences of palliative care services either by sharing a written account, making a short film or providing a verbal account of their experiences. SWCPC SCN are also looking for parents to be involved in helping to plan and design new services – this could include being part of a virtual participation group, providing feedback in person at meetings or events or being consulted by email to review and provide feedback regarding new documents or developments.
All of the above will help the team to understand what matters most to children and their families who have experienced children’s palliative care services in order to inform the development and commissioning of palliative care services in the South West.
  Please click here to complete a form and to find out more  

  Major new enquiry into PREVENTION  

The Health and Social Care Select Committee has launched a major new inquiry into PREVENTION and wants to hear from you!
This is a once-in-a-Parliament opportunity to get involved and suggest what specific issues related to prevention we should be exploring. Areas could include upstream cancer prevention (including genomic sequencing), obesity and physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, mental health, healthy environments, healthy homes and workplaces, disease prevention and how we keep older people out of the acute sector.

As you know, this goes much wider than the NHS so please think big picture and be as ambitious as we are.

Your ideas will be used to help the Committee decide where to focus its attention in subsequent stages of its inquiry. They can be submitted via the online portal on the Committee’s website and the deadline for submissions is 08 February 2023.
    Please click here to submit your ideas    

Children & Young People – Self-Harm Training Online Events  
If you or someone you know, would you like to learn more about self-harm and how to help children and young people in distress then please see course brief and registration details below for:

Frontline practitioners
Monday 13 February 2023
1:00 – 5:00pm  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/440923844087

Saturday 04 March 2023
9:00am – 1:00pm  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/440924867147

Parents, carers and family members in Somerset
Wednesday 18 January 2023
10:30am – 12:00pm  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/439496244097

Monday 13 February 2023
1:00 – 2:30pm  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/439497648297

Thursday 23 March 2023
6:00pm – 7:30pm  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/439499102647
This training is delivered via Zoom/MS Teams.    

  News from across Somerset     Healthwatch Somerset    
People are increasingly avoiding NHS appointments and prescriptions due to cost of living, Healthwatch England warns   With spiralling costs of living, Healthwatch England is warning people are making changes to how they use health and social care services, which can have an adverse impact on their health and wellbeing. The impact the cost of living crisis is having on many people’s ability to heat their homes and eat well has been widely reported. However, new Healthwatch data suggests people are increasingly avoiding prescriptions, out-of-pocket costs for carers and attending NHS appointments due to the costs involved. National body Healthwatch England conducted a tracker poll with 2,000 adults in England between October and December to assess the impact of the cost of living on their health and wellbeing and whether it has affected how they use health and social care services. It found that more people avoided getting prescription medicines, and booking NHS appointments, including dental treatment, due to the fear of extra costs in December than in October. The number of people who avoided an NHS appointment due to the cost of travel doubled to almost one in 10, 11%, in December, from 6% in October.

Healthwatch England has set out immediate actions the government working with health and care services can take to support people in the cost of living crisis and save money.  
Please click here to find out more  

  Battle Scars Support and Training  

Battle Scars is a small, dedicated, 100% survivor-led and run charity offering local, regional, national as well as international support around self-harm.

Self-harm is far more widespread and complex than most people think. It’s also mostly hidden and often judged due to the stigma attached to it. 

Battle Scar’s aim is to break down this stigma, raise awareness, dispel the myths and support those affected by self-harm irrelevant of gender, age, background and location.   
Please click here to find out more about Battle Scars’ support and training  



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Other News

Estates Operatives Vacancies

ESTATES OPERATIVES 1 x permanent, full-time – 37 hours per week Salary: SCP 14-17 (£28,624-£30,060 per annum) and 1 x permanent, part-time – 22 hours per week, Wednesday-Friday Salary: SCP 14-17 (£17,019 per annum pro

Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council Civic Awards 2025

Last night saw the Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council Civic Awards 2025 being held at the Princess Theatre and Arts Centre. Councillor Sharon Perry, Mayor of Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge, and the High Sheriff of Somerset,






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Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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