Public meeting regarding travellers

Public meeting regarding travellers

21st February 2024 at 6pm at the BAY Centre


Town Councillor Lesley Millard (LM) – Mayor of Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge

Town Councillor Sharon Perry (SP) – Deputy Mayor

Chris Hall (CH) Executive Director, Community Services, Somerset Council

Jonathon Stevens (JS) Head of Operations, Somerset Council

Jonathon Eamer (JE) Neighbourhood Police Sergeant, Avon and Somerset Police

Town Councillors Alan Matthews, Cath Searing and Mike Murphy

Town Councillor Administrator – Note taker

27 members of the public

Councillor Millard welcomed everyone to the meeting and the panel to introduce themselves.

SP recapped on the previous meeting held on 2nd October 2023 at the BAY Centre and then put the following points from that meeting to the panel to see what had been done about those issues since that meeting:

  1. “We would like to hear of any meetings between Somerset Council and Somerset and Avon Constabulary. What steps have been agreed between them for a more rapid response to unauthorised encampments by travellers? In particular I think residents want to hear that the timescale for moving travellers on will be shortened considerably.”
  2. “What advice can be given to residents who are affected by the unauthorised encampments? Who should they call? Will there be a rapid response to calls from residents?”
  3. Health and safety and the lego blocks: concerns were raised at the meeting about the installation of the lego blocks. In particular, concerns were voiced about access for emergency vehicles in the event of an accident/incident when, for example, the junior football club is playing. At the meeting on 2nd October these concerns were not addressed. We were advised the blocks were a temporary measure. Are you considering any other solution?”

JS had met with JE regarding encampments.  These are not just a local issue, it is county wide.  Travellers know how the system works, knowing that if they turn up on a Friday then the earliest they will be served a notice from SC as landowner will be Monday or Tuesday if a Bank Holiday weekend.  A landowner has to serve an eviction notice before any further proceedings can occur. Somerset Council and Avon and Somerset Police are meeting on 22nd February 2024 to finalise a process they have been working on.  When travellers appear on Somerset Council land, Somerset Council and the Police will immediately liaise as soon as either agency has been notified of this.  Somerset Council can then give permission for the Police to serve the notice that day to the travellers. This means that over the weekend the welfare checks can be carried out and that the Monday or Tuesday (if a bank holiday), the Court Order can be applied for. This shortens the current process by up to 4 days.  This should all be in place by Easter.

Both organisations are agreed on out of hours arrangements and intelligence sharing with neighbouring authorities to get earlier warnings on traveller communities being on the move.  Hopefully this will improve service.

The lego blocks are a temporary solution with bunds being the eventual plan. There is now no funding available, but once funding available will be taken up again. Lego blocks will therefore remain.

Residents must notify police as soon as they see a possible encampment.

JE advised residents to call 999 if they feel threatened.  The threat/harm risk will then filter down.  For minor anti-social behaviour call 101.  Police will be patrolling on a daily basis and residents can talk to the Police then as well.  Residents must not put themselves in harms way.

CH said that previously calls to the Council were not necessarily filtering through to Police, but morning meetings between the agencies now help with communications.

Councillor Millard asked if one solution would be a police rapid response team like riot police.  As travellers are a common problem, residents could immediately be protected?  JE responded that it is unlikely to happen due to resources available but police are aiming to improve response times.  Information sharing will enable resources to be better placed and quicker.  Calling in is important as the police are data driven.  If significant disruption is occurring then they can be forcibly removed if resources allow.

A query was raised as to why a permanent injunction put in place?  Why not impound the traveller’s vehicles?  If you have a properly argued case you can apply for an injunction for the season.  JE replied that this is something on the list.  They don’t have the perfect answer and that it is important to make Somerset an unattractive place for the travellers.

Residents were given the opportunity to raise issues and ask questions which were answered by CH, JS and JE. They included:

  • This has been going on for years, why is it that things are still only being potentially looked at?
  • Travellers have more rights than we do, with residents waiting up to 14 hours for a police response.
  • Traffic wardens are being advised to stay away from sections of carparks where travellers are present, which is unfair.
  • Travellers are openly defaecating on the playing fields.
  • In 2022 James Heappey MP got legislation passed for police to have better powers dealing with moving travellers on – why has nothing changed?
  • Our community is massively impacted, plus the clean up costs after they go.  Why are they not prevented from setting up the first caravan and immediately moved on?
  • We had cctv footage of crimes being committed, but were told quality of footage not good enough.
  • Concern regarding the interpretation of “significant disruption”- the disruption here affects several 1000 people every time.  Is that not significant enough? All those affected by fear?  The lawlessness? Stealing from the local shops but getting away with it?  All the people’s lives affected that live there by the noise and smell and travellers entering their gardens and property?  All the people affected by not being able to use the playing fields?  The crimes openly committed?  The rubbish left?
  • What about resident’s welfare?
  • Travellers break the law and there are no consequences for their criminality ever.  Police are too scared to challenge them or arrest them.
  • If they are here just 2 days they still make a significant amount of damage and impact, they are lawless, it is not being policed, they are untouchable. How many were arrested last time or prosecuted?
  • Can you come back to us as to why we get in trouble straight away for anything but they don’t?
  • They keep coming back because nothing happens to them.

Residents were advised that the panel were answering everything within their power. They should be calling the Police/Council to report suspected encampments and contact the Police to report all crimes.  They need calls evidencing witnessed behaviours.  Resources are an issue and processes have to be followed.  SC have an inhouse legal team who advise them.  There are no perfect answers, we need to make Somerset an unattractive place to the travelling communities.  The new process being put in place will make things quicker, but it will still be as quick as the time it takes.  We know we need to find a solution but we don’t currently have one.

Councillor Millard thanked the public and the panel for attending.  There is a lack of faith in the Police and will be arranging a further meeting with the Police, and residents were offered to put forward their names to attend.

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Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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