The Town Council held a successful community workshop to collect ideas to form the foundation for an Action Plan to support their declaration of a Climate and Ecological Emergency.
Amongst those present were, the Chair of the Burnham Chamber of Commerce, County Councillor Dixie Darch, the CEO of Burnham and Weston Solar Energy, the Chairman of the Somerset Bus Partnership, a representative from Somerset Waste Partnership, representatives from Somerset Wildlife Trust and of course local people who feel passionately about the future of our town.
We collected an array of really great ideas that will not only address climate and ecological change but will also support our community through the cost of living crisis and fuel poverty. We have now formed a working group who will be responsible for creating the action plan and driving it over the next 4 years. The plan will be flexible enough to respond to changes as they occur but focussed on improving life for our community.
If there is anyone who was unable to attend the workshop but would like to be on the working party, please contact Councillor Lesley Millard on