Somerset County Council have asked the people of Somerset to have their say on the proposed admissions criteria changes for Somerset schools, including some academies, for 2024/25 and now are the last few days for comments to be submitted. When changes are made to the admissions arrangements, schools have a statutory duty to make them public. This gives people a chance to comment on them. Important changes people should be aware of could include changes to catchment area boundaries, proposed admission numbers, and how places are allocated. Any parent or carer whose child is starting school or transferring in the academic year 24/25 is particularly encouraged to take part, as it could directly affect school choices for their children. The public is invited to visit the consultation website at to examine their local school admissions arrangements and then fill in a simple questionnaire about any concerns or comments they may have. Their feedback will be taken into consideration. Anyone can comment – whether parents, schools, religious authorities or people in communities – and your comments can help make important changes and improvements to future admissions processes. The consultation closes 23rd January 2023 with results being published 15th March 2023 Councillor Bill Revans, Leader of Somerset County Council said: “We are welcoming families and the community to engage in our school admissions consultation process, and the information they share with us can help inform future admission arrangements. School is obviously a very important step in each person’s life. I encourage everyone to share their views – especially if they have a child changing schools or going to school for the first time.” |
More time to recycle at the recycling site
Recycling Sites will move to their summer opening hours from Tuesday 1 April. All sites will remain open from 9am to 4pm on weekends. Midweek, sites will be open from 9am to 6pm. Opening days