Free labour for essential vehicles repairs for specific key workers

Free labour for essential vehicles repairs for specific key workers

Dear Partners, Previous Funders, Potential Funders,

During this Covid 19 Outbreak, we are offering free labour for essential car repairs (maximum labour time-one hour) for NHS staff, Social Care Staff, Care Providers, Caring Community, Carers, Community Groups, Community Car Services, Volunteers and Undertakers.

This will support the needs of a number of essential workers and any financial pressure they could be feeling in maintaining their vehicles for essential travel.

Bookings are one hour slots.

We will be carrying out appropriate social distancing with essential hygiene before and after each customer visit and car repairs. We have a volunteer who will be carrying out disinfecting key surfaces in the workshop and Vehicles before and after work has been completed.

With our available team (volunteers and staff), we will be able carry out basic repairs and maintenance to around 6/7 cars a day.
I attach our flyer for your interest:

Other ways we are supoprting our community:

We are running our help line for people to just chat, or for those who have more serious mental health problems so that we can safeguard them from harm to themselves. We direct refer to the crisis team, should the need arise.
We are also running our food bank service and utilising donations of dried and tinned goods whilst mixing with fresh produce. We are regularly shopping and sharing the deliveries. We are amazed how many people have requested our food bank service.

Please pass this information on to any oragnisations you feel we may have missed and to members of your community, as appropriate. We would be grateful if you could arrange for the flyer to be uploaded to your social media sites.

Thankyou in advance for sharing and circulating this. Here at Rusty Road, the team do really value all the help and support we have had from the community, local businesses, statutory agencies, local councils and many more.

Best wishes

Vince Davis
Rusty Road 2 Recovery

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Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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