As reported on local media, some questions and comments have recently been raised with the town council about the new seafront play area.
Residents were welcomed to speak at a meeting of the Town Improvements Committee on 11th January 2021, where they pledged support for the play area but requested that it is not sited on the existing tarmac already used for improvised leisure, and instead sited on the grassed area, further south and out of sight of any residences.
The committee chairman gave a full response, confirming information previously provided, and noting, “the lawn areas are a designated green space and stand out against a large expanse of tarmac.” He reiterated that the tarmac location in question had been publicly identified for improvement in 2018 and that the project was now at an advanced stage. The chairman agreed to ask the council to look at how the grassed lawns can be made more attractive.
To assist those who might need more information on the project, reports of the questions asked by residents to date, along with answers provided by the council, have been published on the town council’s website.
The installation of the new and inclusive play area is part of the ongoing Burnham Evolution business Plan, published in 2018, that aims to invest in the town to bring improvements and opportunity. The plan acknowledges that:
We must recognise the need for residents’ quality of life to be balanced with the town’s retail and leisure offer. We must seek to offer a balance of uses for the community, business and visitors alike, along with an improved public realm.
Read the Burnham Evolution Business Plan, along with the questions and answers regarding the new play area, here: (scroll down to Burnham Evolution)
Read the response given by the Town Improvements Committee chairman, here: