Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council



Help us shape a new unitary council for Somerset

Organisations from across the county are joining together to deliver a new unitary council for Somerset – and local people are encouraged to be part of the conversation.

A public meeting is planned at Donyatt Village Hall, near Ilminster, on 25th November, from 3pm until 5pm. It’s the third in a monthly series of events where residents and communities are invited to learn about, and feed into, the new council process.

Members of the recently-established Joint Advisory Board will be on-hand to answer any queries. They include representatives from Somerset County Council, the four District Councils, Somerset Association of Local Councils, City, Town and Parish Councils, health, police, education, and the voluntary and community sector. 

The Board is also developing  links to the Somerset Youth Parliament, and is particularly keen to engage young people in the sessions.

The role of the Board is advisory but its proposals, ideas and recommendations will feed in to the Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) Joint Committee – the decision-making body.

On the agenda at the Board this month will be the operating and governance principles of the new council, communications, an update on Local Community Networks (LCNs) and emerging plans for the next Town and Parish Council Conference.

Covid safety measures will be in place and mask-wearing is encouraged by attendees.

On 1st April 2023, Somerset will become a unitary authority, replacing the current County Council and four District Councils with a single council governing the whole area.  Find out more HERE.

Other News

Passenger Feedback Survey

Somerset Bus Partnership would like to collect your opinions about the buses in Somerset, how they can be improved, and the major issues affecting your use of the bus. They will use the results of

Office Closure

Due to the office being used as a Polling Station, Reception will be closed on Thursday 4th July. Contact us as usual via telephone & email.






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Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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