A well-loved Highbridge dog groomers is the first to complete its shopfront renovation with help of a business support grant from Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge Town Council.
The news comes as the town council is calling on independent retail/service providers and landlords of vacant premises in Highbridge retail centre to take advantage of the scheme and apply for a new grant of up to £1,000.
The grants are being offered to encourage new and existing retail/service businesses and landlords to make permanent visual improvements to their shop fronts, including vacant premises. There is no requirement for the applicant to provide match funding, but applicants are encouraged to provide funding where they can.
The grant will be awarded to applicants who meet the criteria in eligible areas of Highbridge retail centre:
. Market Street
. Church Street
So far, 7 shops have applied to the grant scheme in Highbridge, which include Highbridge Laundry Room, Maisey’s Bakery, Highbridge Tandoori, London Connection, Highbridge DIY, Highbridge Fishing Tackle Shop and K9 Groomers.
Michelle Neil of K9 Groomers, in Market Street, Highbridge, said it’s fantastic to replace the fascia and tiling outside the shop.

Michelle added: “It’s wonderful to have the new fascia which helps draw people into K9 Groomers, and we went to Quicksign (in Highbridge) for the artwork. They are excellent, and it’s great to keep it local.”
K9 Groomers also managed to repaint the inside of the shop between Christmas and New Year.
To fill in an application form, visit https://burnham-highbridge-tc.gov.uk/projects/highbridge-shop-front-grant