Whilst there has been a relaxation of the amount of time people can spend out in the open air and exercising, Sedgemoor District Council is reminding residents and visitors to parks and open spaces that use of play areas, playground and open air gym equipment is still not allow by Government rules. This is because it is impossible to keep the equipment clean between different children using it and to maintain social distancing.
There have been reports of children using the play areas in Manor Gardens in Burnham-on-Sea and Apex Park in Highbridge. It is possible that they have climbed over fences to get into the areas and some of the equipment is open-plan and spread out but there is barrier tape around the equipment and signs. A council spokesman said “We know it must be really frustrating to see all that lovely play and exercise equipment and not being able to use it, but we would remind parents and residents that the areas are closed for good reasons and to keep children and adults safe.”
Government advice:-
At all times, you should continue to observe social distancing guidelines when you are outside your home, including ensuring you are 2 metres away from anyone outside your household. As with before, you cannot:
- visit friends and family in their homes
- exercise in an indoor sports court, gym or leisure centre, or go swimming in a public pool
- use an outdoor gym or playground
Claire Faun
Corporate Relations Manager
Sedgemoor District Council
Bridgwater House
King Square
Somerset TA6 3AR
Tel: 01278 435320
Email: pressoffice@sedgemoor.gov.uk