Freedom of Information Policy Statement
Adopted by Council on 30/10/2023
Minute no 157.0.T23
Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge Town Council’s (“the Council”) statement of policy in regard to Freedom of Information is:
“The Council supports the Freedom of Information Act’s objectives of openness, accountability and transparency in the public sector”
We are committed to openness and accountability in the services we provide and will provide as much information as we can, using exemptions only where essential.
Requests should be made in writing and posted to our offices or emailed to Please provide a clear description of the information you require, your name and contact details.
The Council will:
- Publish and maintain a Publication Scheme that at least meets the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, as recommended by the National Association of Local Councils.
- Offer advice and assistance to applicants seeking information.
- Respond promptly to all requests within statutory timescales, acknowledging receipt of the request and informing the applicant of the anticipated time to release the information.
- Where exemptions are applicable, inform the applicant of these and indicate as soon as possible any impact this has on the timetable for responding to the request.
- Inform applicants whose requests are deemed vexatious or repeated that their request will be exempted.
- Inform an applicant of any charges likely to be levied.
- Inform an applicant of alternative information that can be provided free, where the specific request would incur a charge.
- Consider the impact of other related legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulations and the modernising government agenda.