On Tuesday 23rd November the Burnham Area Evening Flower Club held their Flower Club Christmas demonstration at the Princess theatre. Special guest of the evening was national demonstrator and award winning florist Nigel Whyles who presented the “Inspired for Christmas” event. Burnham and Highbridge Town Council Deputy Mayor Cllr Andy Hodge and his Consort attended the demonstration with Cllr Hodge saying “We were made to feel very welcome by the lady president and Mrs Lynne Duckett” and that “Nigel Whyles creations were magical”. ”A great night was enjoyed by 120+ ladies and the Princess volunteers did a wonderful job.”
Repairs scheduled for Burnham-on-Sea roundabout
Somerset Council will be resurfacing a busy roundabout at the junction of the B3140 and Love Lane in Burnham-on-Sea. The Council’s contractor Heidelberg Materials will be doing the work during the evening from 21-28 January,