The Executive have agreed to the disposal of 1,518m2 of land at Crosses Penn, Burnham on Sea to the Crosses Penn Community Sports Trust by way of a 25-year conditional lease to facilitate the development of two multi use games areas (MUGA’s) to include a tennis court, a five a side pitch, netball and basketball courts, plus an exercise track around the perimeter.
This site currently consists of two tennis courts which are in need of investment to bring them back up to an acceptable standard. The proposed new facilities will only take up a slightly larger area than is currently used within the site, so the surrounding area will remain. There has been a long-standing problem with anti-social behaviour in the area and SDC have been working closely with the Police and Burnham on Sea and Highbridge Town Council to address the problems.
Objections were received regarding potential glare from the sports court, but the Executive were assured that any flood lighting will be subject to a planning application where issues relating to light pollution would be addressed.
A planning application will allow further consultation with residents.
This will complement the recently upgraded play area which has received many compliments from nearby families.