To: Cllr N Tolley, Chairman, Cllr Keen, Cllr P Clayton, Cllr S Barber, Cllr A Hodge, Cllr C Allen, Cllr R Gardiner-White, Cllr H Groves, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr M Murphy, Cllr A Brewer
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Town Improvements Committee to be held on 15th July at 7pm in the Council Chamber of the Town Council offices.
Samantha Winter
Town Clerk
A public participation session will be held prior the commencement of the formal meeting. Anyone wishing to speak on a matter relevant to the work of this committee should give written notice to the Clerk by midday on the Thursday before the meeting. No resolution can be made if the matter addressed does not concern an item on the agenda.
Please be aware that meetings are audio recorded.
- To receive any apologies for non-attendance
- To receive any declarations of interest on matters on this agenda
- To receive and approve minutes of the Town Improvements Committee held on 10th June 2019
- To elect Cllr Carey to the Town Improvements Committee
- To receive the updated Action List (as circulated)
- To consider developing the tennis court areas at Crosses Penn to provide improved recreational facilities (to receive a short presentation from Cllr Murphy)
- To liaise with local youth providers and consider engagement of young people congregating at Manor Gardens and Crosses Penn
- To note that quotations are being sought for works required for maintenance of the railway signal sited on Marine Drive
- To resolve how to progress improvements to the Burnham fingerposts (Town Clerk’s report)
- To agree to hold an event over the bank holiday weekend to celebrate VE Day 2020 and identify members to form a project team.
- To note that date of the next meeting – 23rd August 2019