Minutes of the Annual Town Council Meeting held on Monday 10th May 2021 at 7pm at The King Alfred School, Burnham Road, Highbridge

Present: Cllrs Mike Facey (Chair), Andy Brewer, Bill Hancock, Nick Tolley, Chris Allen, Sue Barber, Dawn Carey, Peter Clayton, Helen Groves, Phil Harvey, Sue Harvey, Andy Hodge, Janet Keen, Alan Matthews, Louise Parkin, Colette Winfield, Julie Flurry with Sam Winter, Town Clerk and Lorna Williams, Deputy Clerk in attendance.

Six members of the public and one member of the media were present.

Public Participation

There were no speakers.

40/21/TC       To elect the Town Mayor (Chairman of the Town Council) for the year 2021/22

                        Cllr Mike Facey was elected to the office of Town Mayor and Chairman.

41/21/TC       To receive the declaration of acceptance of office signed by the Mayor (Chairman of Council)

                        The meeting received the signed declaration of acceptance of office.

42/21/TC       To elect the Deputy Mayor (Vice-Chairman of the Town Council) for the year 2021/22

                        Cllr Andy Hodge was elected Deputy Chairman 

43/21/TC       To receive the declaration of acceptance of office signed by the councillor elected through bye-election on 6th May 2021

The meeting received the signed declaration of acceptance of office from Cllr Julie Flurry.

44/21/TC       To elect a second Deputy Mayor for the year 2021/22

                        Cllr Tolley was elected second Deputy Mayor

45/21/TC       To present past Mayor’s badge & appoint a Mayor’s Cadet.       

The past Mayor’s badge was presented to Cllr Andy Brewer in recognition of his service as chairman and mayor during 2019/20.

46/21/TC       Apologies

                        Apologies were given on behalf of Cllr Murphy

47/21/TC       Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted

                        There were no declarations made.

48/21/TC       Report from the Police

                        There was no report.

49/21/TC       To approve the committee structure, as the table below, and elect councillors to committees for 2021/22

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to elect the following councillors to committees for 2020/21:


Cllr Andy Brewer, (Chairman) Cllrs Peter Clayton (Vice-Chairman), Julie Flurry, Sue Harvey, Bill Hancock, Louise Parkin, Nick Tolley with Mike Facey (ex officio) (Cllr Groves removed herself from the committee)


Cllr A Hodge (Chairman), Cllr J Keen (Vice Chair), Cllr P Clayton, Cllr S Barber, Cllr Dawn Carey, Cllr C Allen, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr N Tolley, Cllr M Murphy, Cllr M Facey (Ex-officio).


Cllr M Facey,(Chairman)  Cllrs P Clayton (Vice Chair), C Allen, B Hancock, P Harvey, S Harvey, M Murphy, L Parkin, A Hodge, A Brewer  A Matthews.


Cllr L Parkin (Chairman), Cllr P Clayton (Vice Chair), Cllr N Tolley, Cllr A

Brewer, Cllr J Flurry, Cllr D Carey, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr M Murphy, Cllr C Winfield, Cllr M Facey (Ex-officio).


Cllr Chris Allen (Chairman), Cllr A Brewer, Cllr Sue Harvey, Cllr J Keen,

Cllr Colette Winfield and Cllrs A Gordon and S Lester from Burnham Without Parish Council (without voting rights)​

50/21/TC       To consider and agree the Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation

The meeting approved minor amendments to exclude press and public from the grievance and appeals panels, which it was agreed should be convened without public notice.

Membership of the Local Government Reorganisation working group was agreed as: Cllrs Murphy, Clayton, P Harvey, Flurry, Groves, Facey, Allen.

A motion was proposed by Cllr P Harvey to create a Human Resources Committee with public notice and access rights. Discussion centred around the conflict between increased transparency against confidentiality of staffing matters. The motion was seconded by Cllr S Harvey but defeated on vote (the terms of reference, including public access rights to meetings of the HR sub-committee will be considered by the parent committee (Finances & Resources)).

51/21/TC       To receive and approve the council’s Financial Regulations

The Financial Regulations were approved and re-adopted without amendment.

52/21/TC       To receive and approve the council’s Standing Orders

The Standing Orders were approved and re-adopted without amendment.

53/21/TC       To receive and approve the members’ Code of Conduct

The meeting approved and readopted the Code with minor amendments to clarify that members with a pecuniary interest should leave the meeting.

54/21/TC       To note the asset register, as approved 1st March 2020 min ref:29/21/TC

                        The meeting noted the existing approval of the asset register.

55/21/TC       To receive and approve the council’s Publication Scheme

The meeting approved and re-adopted the standard document without amendment.

56/21/TC       To note the data audit has been updated and data disposal is undertaken in line with the approved schedule for document destruction & retention

                        The meeting noted the item.

57/21/TC       To note the subscriptions made to other bodies, 2021:

                        The following subscription payments were noted:

a.Community Council Membership £40
b.Visit Somerset £900 per year
c.ICCM £95
d.SALC £2037.61
e.AAT £99
f.ICO £35
g.Somerset Playing Fields Assoc. £15
i.Rural Services Network membership £150

58/21/TC       To consider the Town Council representation on outside bodies:

Outside BodyRepresentatives
Highbridge Festival of Arts Committee         Cllrs Keen & Winfield
Somerset Association of Local CouncilsMayor & town clerk
Town Twinning – Fritzlar (German)The Mayor is Patron to the Society
Highbridge Community Hall Management CommitteeCllrs Keen & Murphy
Sedgemoor Cycle GroupCllrs Brewer & Harvey
BAY CentreCllrs Carey & Tolley
Friends of the Princess GroupCllr Parkin (with the BDO)
Sedgemoor Community Partnership (Morland Hall)Cllrs Brewer & Carey
Sea Cadet CorpsCllr Tolley
Air Training CorpsCllr Allen
Hinkley Point Community ForumVolunteer to be sought as matters arise
Burnham Chamber of TradeVolunteer sought on invitation
Burnham & Highbridge Abbeyfield SocietyCllr Facey
67 bus forumCllr Allen (with the RFO)
Rural Services NetworkCllr Allen
Coastal Cluster GroupCllr Clayton (with the Town Clerk)
Seed Arts PanelCllr Carey (with BDO)
BiARS Management CommitteeCllr Carey or Cllr Barber*
Burnham & Highbridge Community Assoc.Cllr Harvey
Army CadetsCllr Matthews

*It was agreed that both volunteers would be put forward for Biars for consideration.

59/21/TC       Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 1st March 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

60/21/TC       Action List

                        The Action List was noted as completed

61/21/TC       Chairman’s announcements

The Chairman thanked the meeting for his re-election and stated he is looking forward to further hard work and engagement. He thanked for support in safely attending and reporting on mayoral engagements over the last year.

62/21/TC       Reports from county cllrs on county council matters

Somerset County Cllr Clayton notified the meeting that SCC had recently held its annual meeting, on which he will provide a future written report

63/21/TC       Reports from district cllrs on district council matters

Members received a written report from Cllr Keen & Cllr P Harvey reminded the meeting of the upcoming district council referendum on LGR

64/21/TC       Reports from town councillor representatives appointed to outside bodies

Members received a report from Cllr Hodge regarding his attendance at a meeting of the chamber of trade where matters discussed included Chistmas lights switch-on 2021, high street Covid planning, and the Love Burnham initiative whereby it is planned that retailers will sell promotional merchandise. Cllr Hodge encouraged everyone to support the campaign to promote Burnham.

Cllr Groves addressed the meeting to recognise the hard work that had gone into setting up the Coronavirus Support Group and to report on her work with dog wardens with the aim of creating an enclosed dog park. Cllr Groves explained that matters within her personal life has prevented her from attending meeting over the last year.   

Motions for note/resolution

65/21/TC       To receive a recommendation from the Town Improvements Committee (min ref:16/21/TIMP) that the council enters into partnership agreement with Seed and offers a financial contribution of £1500 towards activities (with acknowledgment that the contribution might increase or decrease to reflect any future agreement).

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to enter into the agreement with the approved contribution, and to note that the intention is to bring opportunities to Highbridge.

66/21/TC       To review the Pension providers’ strategy statement and offer suggestions for inclusion

                        No suggestions were made.

67/21/TC       To note the letter sent to the internal auditor confirming the dates of Exercise of Public Rights for the financial year 2020-2021

                        The meeting noted the contents of the letter.

68/21/TC       To receive a request from Cllr Dawn Carey that she is authorised to pursue the development of a youth council, with support provided by the town clerk in drawing up matters of establishment and governance for approval by the town council. 

The meeting heard that Cllr Carey was in liaison with those experienced in working with youth councils and was due to attend training on the topic. The meeting approved that Cllr Carey and the town clerk should proceed. 

69/21/TC       To receive an update on the tasks completed or underway in relation to the council’s corporate plan. 

                        The meeting received the report.

70/21/TC       To review the arrangements with other local authorities and contributions made to expenditure incurred:

                        The meeting received the detail of arrangements without comment.

AuthorityAnnual contribution £MatterAgreement detail
Sedgemoor District Council£38,055               £5256.19Public toilets             Crosses Penn toilets50% contribution towards cleaning of BOS public toilets and 100% contribution towards Highbridge public toilets. Discretionary service since Jan 2013, no SLA.   50% contribution towards opening Crosses Penn toilets all year round. Discretionary service agreed 2021, SLA for approval by F&R.
Sedgemoor District Council£24,000Dog waste binsThis was an estimated cost for emptying all of the dog waste bins in Burnham and Highbridge, frequency does depend on location. All are at least twice per week with some emptied daily. Service agreed Jan 2013, no SLA
Sedgemoor District Council£15,000CCTVTo cover costs of cctv. Discretionary service since Jan 2013, no SLA   For review due to faults notified April 2021
Sedgemoor District Council£6,000Extra street cleaningContribution to the salary of Burnham town centre street cleaning operative, who provides street cleaning on evenings and on weekends. Current working hours Friday to Tuesday 10.30 – 6.30pm. Discretionary since November 2010 service, no SLA

                        Financial Reports

71/21/TC       To receive and approve the details of expenditure for February and March 2021

                        The details of expenditure, were received and approved.

72/21/TC       To approve the Town Council accounts for the month of March 2021

The town council accounts, were received and approved. It was noted that the end of year adjustments were yet to be finalised.

73/21/TC       To note that those authorised to submit and approve payments will remain unchanged for 21/22 (Cllrs Allen, Clayton, P Harvey, Carey, Matthews & Keen)

The meeting noted the list of authorised councillors.

74/21/TC       To receive a recommendation from the Finance & Resources Committee that the payment made in error by Sedgemoor District Council to apply small business relief to the town council should be repaid as: £10,000 repaid out of the 20/21 accounts and £4678.67 repaid from the general reserve (min ref:  27/21/F&R)

It was proposed, seconded and resolved that repayment is approved.

75/21/TC       Minutes of previous committee meetings:

It was noted that the minutes of the following committees had been circulated and received.

Tuesday 9th February         Princess Management Committee

Monday 8th March               Finance & Resources Committee

Wednesday 31st March      Planning Committee

76/21/TC       Correspondence

The list of items of correspondence was received.

77/21/TC       Date of Next meetings

The dates were noted as listed

It was noted that the next town council meeting will be held on Monday 21st June 2021 at 7pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.08

Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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