Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st September 2020 at 7pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr Mike Facey (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Chris Allen, Bill Hancock, Louise Parkin, Nick Tolley, Allan Matthews, Phil Harvey, Sue Harvey, Mike Murphy, and Andrew Brewer with Sally Jones (RFO) and Sam Winter (Town Clerk) in attendance.
Nine members of the public were present and one member of the press.
Public Participation
There were no speakers.
33/20/F&R Apologies
There were no apologies received.
Helen Groves was absent
(Cllr Parkin joined late)
34/20/F&R Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
Cllr Phil Harvey declared an interest in item 6.1 (grant 3 Burnham and Highbridge Community Association)
Cllr Allan Matthews declared an interest in item 6.2.(grant 4 Friends of Apex Park)
35/20/F&R Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee held on Monday 6th July 2020 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
36/20/F&R Action List
The Action List was noted.
Cllr Parkin joined the meeting & had no interests to declare.
Motions for note/resolution
37/20/F&R To note the report on grant funds awarded since 1st April 2020.
The meeting noted the report and received the grants budgetary position as of 09/2020.
38/20/F&R To consider applications received for grant funding and agree any funds to be awarded:
The chairman notified the meeting that to accommodate applicants, he will change the order from that set out in the agenda.
Cllr P Harvey left the meeting
- Rusty Road to Recover CIC £1,984
The grant was awarded to contribute towards running costs. It was agreed with the applicant that he will provide an update to the council as part of the grant monitoring form confirming how many Burnham & Highbridge residents benefit from the grant.
Cllr P Harvey re-joined the meeting
2. Burnham & Highbridge Choral Society £1,000
The grant was awarded to fund a public concert in April 2021. It was resolved that the grant will be awarded from this year’s grants budget even though the planned event falls in the next financial year and that, if the event does not take place, the grant will be returned to the council.
Cllr P Harvey left the meeting
3. Burnham and Highbridge Community Association £2,500
The grant was awarded to contribute towards repairing the roof and the applicant was directed to a potential source of match funding.
Cllr A Matthews left the meeting
Cllr P Harvey re-joined the meeting
4. Friends of Apex Park £2,500
The grant was awarded to contribute to the creation of a dog agility course. It was requested that the cleaning schedule for the facility should be reported through the grant monitoring process.
Cllr A Matthews re-joined the meeting
5. Brickworks Studio £2,500
The grant was awarded to fund running costs. It was noted that the grant will only be paid upon confirmation of a bank account and confirmation of the not for profit company.
6. Burnham & Highbridge Sea Cadet Unit £2,500
The grant was awarded to fund repainting and repair of the classroom and replacement signage.
7. Gospel Tabernacle Church £2,000
The grant was awarded to fund running costs for a project called ‘A Better Highbridge’.
8. Burnham Hockey Club £1,500
The grant was awarded to contribute towards running costs and the applicant was directed to a potential source of match funding.
9. Monarchs £2,000
The grant was awarded to fund equipment that is more easy to clean.
10. U3A of Highbridge £750
The grant was awarded to fund running costs.
39/20/F&R To consider the COVID19 grant update report and approve proposed amendments to the scheme.
The meeting resolved to move remaining £2,206.72 funds from the grant budget to the COVID 19 grant fund, increasing the available fund to £5206.72. Additionally, it was agreed to cap the available grants at £500 and operate the fund between 1st October 2020 and 15th March 2021.
40/20/F&R To receive an update on the Number 67 bus and agree any actions
The committee noted an update from Cllr Chris Allen who had attended an external meeting to address the inequality of contributions from parishes to the Number 67 bus. Cllr Allen reported that agreement had been reached for the county council to respond to a request to find a more equitable method in sharing the costs.
41/20/F&R To resolve to approve the revised policies:
It was resolved to adopt the following polices:
Financial Risk Management Policy | |
Annual Investment Strategy | |
Grants Policy |
42/20/F&R To approve the Financial Regulations (unchanged from 2020 approval under min ref:13/20/TC) and make a recommendation to the full Council that the Regulations continue to apply
It was resolved to make a recommendation to the full council that it approves the continued application of the financial regulations.
43/20/F&R Financial Reports
The financial reports were received and noted.
44/20/F&R Date of Next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on 12th October 2020 at 7pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20:48