Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th July 2019 at 7pm in the Council Chamber in The Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea
Present: Cllrs: Nick Tolley (Chairman), Peter Clayton, Dawn Carey, Janet Keen, Phil Harvey, Chris Allen, Sue Barber, Helen Groves, Rich Gardiner-White and Mike Murphy
with Sam Winter, Town Clerk and Lorna Williams, Deputy Town Clerk.
5 members of the public, 1 representative from the press
32/19/TIMP To receive any apologies for non-attendance
Apologies were received from Cllr Hodge
33/19/TIMP To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda
There were no declarations of interest or dispensations granted.
34/19/TIMP Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 10th June were agreed and signed by the chairman as a correct record
35/19/TIMP To elect Cllr Carey to the Town Improvements Committee
It was resolved to elect Cllr Carey to the Town Improvements Committee
36/19/TIMP Action List
Members noted the Action List.
Items were discussed, including an update on the “Do not feed the gulls” campaign and a trial of seagull proof black sacks for properties in the town centre that were unable to have a black wheelie bin. It was noted that bunting can be strung in parts of High St; further information is being gathered by councillors.
37/19/TIMP To consider developing the tennis court areas at Crosses Penn to provide improved recreational facilities
A short presentation was received fromCllr Mike Murphy regarding the potential for provision of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) at Crosses Penn, delivered through either a CIC or charitable trust.
It was agreed to support the idea for providing improved recreational facilities at the site and that Cllr Murphy will lead on the project to gather further information and report back to the Council or Committee as appropriate.
38/19/TIMP To liaise with local youth providers and consider engagement of young people congregating at Manor Gardens and Crosses Penn
The meeting heard that there have been reports of anti-social behaviour at the site. Cllrs Carey & Keen agreed to liaise with and seek advice from relevant bodies, including the police and youth work providers, prior to any youth engagement work bring instructed.
Cllr Carey left the meeting
39/19/TIMP To note that quotations are being sought for works required for maintenance of the railway signal sited on Marine Drive
Members noted that the office will proceed with seeking quotes and instructing the works.
40/19/TIMP To resolve how to progress improvements to the fingerposts in Burnham-on-Sea.
Members received a report from the Town Clerk and noted that the Department for Transport has confirmed that metric units are not permitted as a measurement of distance on town fingerposts.
It was agreed that all existing fingerposts will be mapped, together with any identified new areas requiring a fingerpost, before agreement is reached on the style of replacements to be installed across the town centre and sea front (in liaison with Burnham Evolution Partnership).
41/19/TIMP To agree to hold an event over the bank holiday weekend to celebrate VE Day 2020 and to identify members to form a project team.
It was agreed to support the idea and that Cllr Tolley will lead on the project to gather further information and invite members to join a working group for the purposes of event planning.
42/19/TIMP The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Monday 23rd September, 7pm in the Council Chamber
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.15hrs.