MINUTES: Seafront enhancement sub-committee
(of the Town Improvements Committee)
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2020 at 4.30pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr M Facey, Cllr P Clayton, Cllr A Hodge, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr M Murphy, Cllr C Allen with Steve Matthews, Project Coordinator, and Sam Winter, Town Clerk.
7/20/Sea To receive apologies for non-attendance
Cllr Carey
8/20/Sea To receive any declarations of interest on items included on this agenda.
9/20/Sea The minutes of the sub-committee meeting held on 29th June 2020 were approved and signed by the chairman as a correct record
10/20/Sea To receive an update on the position as regards match funding.
Confirmation has been requested from SDC as to the level of match funding it will provide, based on the assertions in the CIM agreement. The meeting heard that the CIM agreement was based on a specified level of funding that must be maintained.
11/20/Sea To receive an update on the live elements of the Burnham Evolution plan
Cllr Clayton had supplied the Project Coordinator with a list of potential signage requirements. The meeting heard that further clarity is required as to whether the system of signage will be wayfinding, labels or a mixture of both.
It was confirmed that the supplier of the existing fingerposts has indicated that, once it has a full list of requirements, it will discuss a cost reduction on their replacement.
It was resolved that Cllrs Facey, Murphy & Clayton will attend a site meeting (date TBC) with the Project Coord to finalise the signage requirements.
seafront shelters:
The meeting heard that this element included a level of match funding from SDC, confirmation of which has been requested.
Suggestions were made that the south esplanade shelters might benefit from disabled access, cleaning and potentially decoration with art (potentially in conjunction with the procurement of sea wall art).
Project Coord notified the meeting that he has scheduled a meeting with SDC officers on 29/10 to reach agreement of what works SDC considers feasible within budget.
The meeting heard that contact had been made with SDC to discuss the most appropriate method for maximising the limited fund available. Project Coord will check the schedule for the SDC repair works, which are anticipated to be late November, and further discuss a potential TC contribution to replace the damaged/missing lanterns. The primary task of the TC is to remove the existing decorations. One quote for this work remains outstanding and, on receipt, the removal works will be scheduled.
It was confirmed that, as power sockets are installed on the lights, it is possible to connect new decorative lighting, if this is required.
works related to project coach
The meeting heard that, in order to maintain coach friendly status, the provision of a dedicated coach point and building were identified as necessary at the time of the bid and were decided according to what coach drivers would value. The meeting heard that SDC has confirmed the style of its preferred building; a ready built, anti-vandal site cabin to be sited on an existing motorcycle bay.
The issue of key security was identified as requiring resolution once the building in confirmed (suggestions included the use of a key safe with codes, grounds staff control and designated key-holders).
It was agreed that signage will be required to identify the building’s purpose & the Project Coord will get quotes on poly-carbonate signs for a “coach drivers’ lounge” with TC emblem.
It was agreed that the Project Coord will put together a budget for all required elements and proceed in discussions with SDC on the planning requirements for siting of a larger blue coloured building (24x8ft), with a power supply (should the cost come in over the budget, referral to TIMPS will be necessary).
Seafront art (match funding by HTAP)
This element has been referred to the arts group, Seed, for a procurement/further match funding proposal & SDC has been notified of the possible arrangement.
Benches & bins
Project Coord notified that this element will form part of the meeting with SDC officers on 29/10.
12/20/Sea Next steps for play area
The meeting heard that this element will form part of the meeting with SDC officers on 29/10 when consideration will be given to measurements/design of the trim trail to check the potential widths and any restrictions on the movement of people. It was noted that SDC is in discussion re: planning requirements with its planning dept and that Wicksteed has confirmed it can, subject to all other matters, commence construction in January, ready for opening in April.
13/20/Sea Maintenance budget – how/when it can be spent
The meeting heard that the only item in the original bid document relating to maintenance was the business hub, which is not progressing. The maintenance budget has therefore been interpreted to relate to the maintenance of the existing projects with agreed funding.
It was noted that the budget will be allocated to the maintenance agreement of the seating at the Princess (£5.5k over a 5-year contract) and maintenance of the play area. Due to the uncertainty of the future site management under any LGR, it was agreed that an initial maintenance contract for a period of 2 years will be costed from SDC, and consideration will be given to a multi-year licence of maintenance software (PSS Live).
14/20/Sea There were no recommendations to TIMPS.
15/20/Sea Next meeting date TBC.