Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th August 2020 at 7pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllrs Mike Facey (Chair), Andy Brewer, Bill Hancock, Nick Tolley, Chris Allen, Dawn Carey, Peter Clayton, Phil Harvey, Sue Harvey, Janet Keen, Mike Murphy, Louise Parkin, Colette Winfield with Lorna Williams – Deputy Town Clerk and Sally Jones – Responsible Finance Officer
1 member of press and no members of the public were in attendance
Public participation session
No one was registered to speak
134/20/TC Apologies
Cllrs, Sue Barber, Andy Hodge, Helen Groves
Alan Matthews was not present
135/20/TC Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
Cllr Nick Tolley declared a pecuniary interest in items 136/20/TC and 137/20/TC as he owns a business in the town. The meeting agreed that Cllr Tolley could remain in the meeting with his audio on and his video switched off and that he took no part in any debate or decision.
136/20/TC To consider continuation of temporary pedestrianisation in the high St. and one-way road systems
The meeting had received a report from the Deputy Clerk to consider the available data in footfall figures and to resolve the Town Council’s position in response to any further SCC Traffic Order extending pedestrianisation and one-way road systems in Burnham beyond the current Traffic Order which was to expire on 31st August.
There was extensive discussion on whether visitor numbers would be at a low enough level after the Bank Holiday to allow social distancing safely on the High St. The meeting was also mindful that the continuation of road safety measures might hinder the economic recovery of High Street businesses.
The meeting resolved to extend the existing scheme until and including Sunday 6th September. This takes into account that families of school age children would be back at school.
The Town Council would monitor the High St. after the 6th September along with the footfall and if needed may look at alternative options if social distancing is proving difficult.
137/20/TC To consider the recommendation from the Christmas lights working group that the Council enters into a 3-year contract with Event Power Engineering at a tender value of £20k per year, and to agree the payments terms
The meeting received the minutes of the interview panel’s 6th August meeting and heard that it had considered the procurement report and scores.
It was resolved to enter into a 3-year contract with Event Power Engineering at a tender value of £20K per year with the payment terms of:
50% of the annual cost invoiced and paid in early November to coincide with the second stage installation on site
30% of the annual cost invoiced and paid in early December once installation is complete
20% final annual cost invoiced and paid mid-January after scheme dismantled
20% final annual cost invoiced and paid mid-January after scheme dismantled
138/20/TC To approve that the existing working group, consisting of Cllrs Clayton, Murphy, Hancock, Carey and Allen are tasked with finalising any final design elements, such as colour schemes.
The meeting resolved that the existing working group would finalise the design elements of the Christmas Lights.
It was noted that the next scheduled Town Council meeting will be held on Monday 5th October 2020 at 7pm
The Chairman closed the meeting at 19:25hrs