Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2020 at 7pm using video conferencing
Present: Cllr Nick Tolley (Chairman), Cllrs Janet Keen, Chris Allen, Dawn Carey, Peter Clayton, Rich Gardiner-White, Phil Harvey, Andy Hodge with Sam Winter (Town Clerk), and Lorna Williams (Deputy Clerk) in attendance.
One representative of the press & one non-committee councillor member was in attendance.
32/20/TIMP Apologies
Cllrs Sue Barber, Mike Facey and Mike Murphy
33/20/TIMP Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
It was NOTED that a dispensation to participate in discussions and to vote has been granted to Cllr Gardiner White in relation to high street and open spaces public safety in light of COVID19
Motions for note/resolution
34/20/TIMP To receive a report from Cllr Rich Gardiner White and resolve how to proceed on action in relation to open spaces and high street public safety in light of COVID19.
The meeting considered the report and it was RESOLVED to form a working party action group made up of key stakeholders including Principle Council Officers, Councillors, representatives of businesses, traders to identify the important safety processes required to be put in place to help protect our residents and visitors.
35/20/TIMP To resolve whether to apply for the temporary closure of the main traffic thoroughfare through Burnham High Street, between the former Job Centre at Regent Street and the Somerset & Dorset Pub at Abingdon Street, as a matter of urgency in order to enable the safe passage of pedestrians along the street, avoiding obstructions in the path, without being required to walk into a road open to traffic.
The meeting considered the changes required to allow for safe movement of people navigating the High Street, Market Street and open spaces and RESOLVED that the working party should look at this in more detail as part of the overall public safety considerations and to make suggestions to the relevant authorities.
36/20/TIMP Date of Next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on Monday 13th July 2020 at 7pm (method to be confirmed).
The Chairman closed the meeting at 19:53