Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23rd September 2019 at 7pm in the Council Chamber in The Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea
Present: Cllrs: Andy Brewer (Chairman), Peter Clayton, Dawn Carey, Phil Harvey, Chris Allen, Sue Barber and Mike Murphy with Sam Winter, Town Clerk and Lorna Williams, Deputy Town Clerk.
6 members of the public, 1 representative from the press
A presentation was received from eat:festivals.
- The food festivals are held in 10 Somerset towns, with 16 festival events
- Objectives are to improve the wellbeing of residents, working with retailers and businesses and other local food and drink suppliers within a 25-mile radius
- Sustainability runs through the core values – single use plastics are excluded from all festivals
- 7th Dec new Winter festival in Burnham – similar in style but will have a winter theme
- Foodbank are to be given a free pitch to collect donations
Public Speaking
The Chairman of Burnham in Bloom stated that the group had received a donation of £2,000 and would like the Council to decide on how the money should be used for the visual betterment of Highbridge. Several suggestions had already been made including splitting the proceeds between the Community Hall and Southwell House. The Council agreed that, although it cannot decide on how the money should be spent, if councillors had any ideas they should contact the Chairman of Burnham in Bloom.
43/19/TIMP To receive any apologies for non-attendance
Apologies were received from Cllrs: Nick Tolley, Andy Hodge, Rich Gardiner-White and Janet keen
Cllr Helen Groves was absent
44/19/TIMP To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda and to note any dispensations granted
There were no declarations of interest or dispensations granted.
45/19/TIMP Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 15th July were agreed and signed by the chairman as a correct record
46/19/TIMP Action List
The Action List was noted.
47/19/TIMP To receive a written update on the outcome of the meeting held in July that considered the problems associated with commercial bins on the highway (min ref: 27/19/TIMP refers)
A written update from the Deputy Clerk was received to show that, following the meeting in July, a letter from the Town Council had been hand delivered to all businesses in the town centre encouraging them to store their bins appropriately, without adversely affecting the appearance of the town. The letter had received positive feedback and the idea was suggested that traders might consider the use of shared commercial bins or the use of smaller bins. It was suggested by the meeting that the Chamber of Trade might be appropriately placed to pursue the matter.
It was noted that the gull-proof rubbish sacks were on trial by residents and consultation results on their use was due in December.
48/19/TIMP To receive an update from Cllr Murphy regarding progress on improvements at Crosses Penn
A meeting of interested parties had been held to establish that a group will be formed under the structure of a Chartered Incorporated Organisation, giving it charitable status. Roles were assigned within the group and advice from SPARK had been provided, with set-up advice and templates for funding applications. The legalities regarding land ownership were currently being looked into.
49/19/TIMP To receive a written briefing note from the CIM fund Project Coordinator and raise any questions for response
The meeting received the briefing note from the CIM fund Project Coordinator to show that the projects were progressing to project timelines.
50/19/TIMP To consider and agree on how to progress a civic awards event for young people
It was RESOLVED that a working party would be set up with Cllrs Tolley, Carey, Barber and Clayton to formulate a plan of how best to celebrate the achievements of young people in Burnham & Highbridge, whilst ensuring that any event is inclusive to all young people.
51/19/TIMP To receive a report on the provision of Christmas trees in Burnham and Highbridge and resolve how to proceed
The meeting received a report on previous Christmas tree arrangements andRESOLVED that three Christmas trees would be installed at the locations used in previous years: Highbridge Community Hall, Pier St. by the fountain and Victoria St.
52/19/TIMP To resolve to proceed with a residents’ Christmas lights competition and agree judges.
The meeting received information on the background to the previously run competition and RESOLVED that Cllrs. Carey and Clayton would judge the residents’ lights and that Princess Theatre vouchers (in multiples of £5) will be awarded to the same value as previously, i.e. £25 and £10.
53/19/TIMP To consider whether to take on the ownership of Highbridge flagpole from Sedgemoor District Council and whether to fund repairs
The meeting received a report from the Deputy Clerk and RESOLVED that the Town Council will take on the ownership and maintenance of the flagpole in Highbridge. The repair fee to be taken from the Miscellaneous Improvements budget.
The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Monday 18th November,
7pm in the Council Chamber
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.00hrs.