Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2nd December 2019 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, The Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea.
Present: Cllr Louise Parkin (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Dawn Carey, Phil Harvey, Collette Winfield with Samantha Winter (Town Clerk), Beccy Armory (Business Development Officer) and Sally Jones (Responsible Financial Officer).
Four members of the public and one member of the press were in attendance.
Public Participation
There were no requests to speak.
70/19/PMC Apologies
Cllrs Nick Tolley, Sue Barber, Andy Hodge, Mike Murphy, Andy Brewer
71/19/PMC Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda
No interests were declared and no dispensations were granted
72/19/PMC Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Princess Management Committee meeting held on 21st October 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
73/19/PMC Action List
The Action List was noted as complete.
74/19/PMC To receive a report Business Development Officer
The meeting heard that both the Princess and Business Development Officer (BDO) have faced resistance to change from sources both externally and internally, but negative concerns are in the minority and have not affected footfall or ticket sales.
A number of failings in key standard health and safety issues have come to light that had been incorrectly reported to the Committee as completed at an operational level prior to BDO taking up her position. These issues are now being correctly addressed.
The meeting heard that some vital infrastructure works will be undertaken on the fire alarm and heating system.
As requested & resolved by the Town Council, a new website has been actioned and is now under construction with a brand refresh.
Three grant applications have been submitted and responses are awaited.
The meeting heard that BoSFest has declined to use the theatre under the terms agreed by the Committee but the Princess is still keen to work with BosFest should the organisers reconsider.
The Princess’ social media presence is growing and the customer database has increased meaning the Princess is maintaining an above industry open and click through rate with its monthly e-newsletters.
The first formal volunteer meeting has taken place and these are scheduled to be held on a bi-monthly basis. The former volunteer Visual Arts Coordinator has rejoined the Princess and a new strategy and contracts have been put in place.
It was noted that the new programme is progressing, but with uncertainty over the timing of refurbishment and repair works, the new programme might be pushed back to late spring/summer.
Motions for note/resolution
75/19/PMC To receive an update from the working group on the CIM fund refurbishment works and to approve any changes to the agreed priorities.
A recommendation to change the agreed priority list (minute 49/19/PMC) was received from the refurbishment working group and it was proposed and resolved that the following new order of priorities will apply to expenditure of the grant: refurbishment works to the auditorium (with refurbishment of seating), refurbishment of the Pizey Room, renewal of signage and refurbishment of the public toilets.
76/19/PMC To clarify the position regarding hire of the Princess bar and to resolve any future hire arrangements.
For clarity, it was confirmed by the Committee that the pricing structure agreed under minute 65/19/PMC included a fee for the bar space, but that this was not intended to include the hire of the bar as a function, which the Committee agreed is not available for hire.
Financial Reports
77/19/PMC The meeting received the budget income and expenditure report for September 2019.
78/19/PMC It was confirmed by the RFO that all recommendations made by the internal auditor were now complete.
79/19/PMC The date of next meeting will be Monday 10th February 2020 at 7pm
Meeting closed 19:30