Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th September 2019 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, The Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea.

Present: Cllr Mike Facey (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Phil Harvey, Mike Murphy, Sue Harvey, Nick Tolley, Chris Allen, Richard Gardiner-White, Louise Parkin, Andrew Brewer and Alan Matthews with Samantha Winter (Town Clerk) and Sally Jones (RFO) in attendance.

Eighteen members of the public and two representatives from the press were present.

Public Participation                      

There were no speakers.

41/19/F&R     Apologies

Cllr Bill Hancock

Cllr Helen Groves

42/19/F&R     Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda     

Cllr Allen declared an interest in items 45/19/F&R 12 & 16

Cllr Brewer declared an interest in items 45/19/F&R 15 & 16

Cllr Murphy declared an interest in items 45/19/F&R 4 & 47/19/F&R

Cllr Gardiner-White declared an interest in items 45/19/F&R 3 & 10

                        Action List

43/19/F&R     The Action List was noted.

                        Approval of Minutes

44/19/F&R     The minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee held on 1st July 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

                        Grant application

45/19/F&R     The following grant applications were considered and grants awarded:       

  1. Missy K Kids                                £1,700.00

The concept of this newly formed group was commended by councillors but concerns were expressed at the ambitious nature of the £10,000 application. Concerns were also raised about the use of grant funds to refurbish the privately owned Social Club. It was proposed and resolved to award a reduced grant (on presentation of the outstanding paperwork) in support of the project to the value that would allow it to complete the refurbishment of the minibus.

  • Burnham & Highbridge Band                                       £5,000.00
  • The Zone Youth Club                                                    £3,500.00
  • Burnham United FC                                                       £3,000.00
  • Highbridge Chamber of Trade                                      £2,500.00
  • Monarchs Gymnastics   Club                                       £2,286.00
  • BEES theatre group                                                       £2,000.00
  • Burnham-on-Sea Swimming Club                              £1,692.50
  • Burnham Hockey Club                                                  £1,500.00
  • Burnham-on-Sea Chamber of Trade                           £975.00
  • Burnham & Highbridge Choral Society                      £900.00
  • Burnham & Highbridge Fritzlar Twinning Society     £900.00
  • Burnham-on-Sea Baptist Church                                £900.00
  • Burnham & District in Bloom                                        £750.00
  • Go Socialize                                                                    £240.00

Concern was noted that funding for a gaming console was considered not to sit comfortably with the concept of socialising. It was proposed and resolved that a reduced amount would be awarded equal to the rent applied for.

  1. Burnham & Highbridge RAF Air Cadets                     £323.88
  2. West of England MS Therapy Centre                         £300.00

Motions for note/resolution

46/19/F&R     It was resolved to approve the revised Financial Regulations and to make a recommendation to the Town Council that the revised document is adopted.

47/19/F&R     Request for Funding – Highbridge Chamber of Trade

The meeting received a report showing that the Town Council had previously agreed to equally share finances intended for regeneration between Highbridge & Burnham (min ref: 138/15/TC). The earmarked reserve 4931 501 had later been renamed ‘Regeneration Burnham’ and transfers of funds had been made but no money had been transferred out for use in Highbridge. 

It was proposed and resolved that the earmarked reserve 4931 501 will be renamed ‘Regeneration Highbridge’ and that £4000 will be paid to the Chamber of Trade in respect of new signs and fascia boards in Highbridge.

48/19/F&R     Signal Box terms and hire

An application was received from a small craft business to hire the signal box over a longer term.

It was resolved that planning permission will be applied for in respect of a change of use to permit the signal box to be used as a shop.

It was further resolved that the hire terms of the signal box should be changed to allow it to be rented out longer term and that the hire fees will be amended to add a seasonal increase of £2 per day to the usual fee over the Easter, summer and Christmas holiday periods.

It was resolved to agree the letting of the signal box to the small craft business for the specified dates (subject to permission granted by the planning authority). Agreements will be drawn up to permit hire to the craft business for 1st to 23rd December 2019, inclusive, and for the period 1st May to 23rd December 2020, inclusive. Such agreement will not grant exclusive possession of the box by the small business and might be subject to the continued display of railway memorabilia.

49/19/F&R     Community Asset Register

It was agreed that the Town Council will apply to add the following properties to the Community Asset Register: Burnham-on-Sea Library, Highbridge Community Hall, Southwell House, BASC and the Bay Club ground.

Burnham-on-Sea footfall monitor reports

50/19/F&R     A report was received to show that the supplier of town footfall data does not permit the sale of its data, reports or website access. It does however permit the reports produced to be shared, without charge.   

It was resolved to share the footfall monitor reports, on request, with local groups and businesses, to include the Chamber of Trade. Any staff or other resource costs incurred through sharing the reports will be recharged to the report recipient.  

Projects for RLT2/3 funding

51/19/F&R    It was agreed that the Council will in principle support an application for RLT2/3 funds to be used on the project to improve the open space at Crosses Penn with the installation of a MUGA.

Payroll through BACS

52/19/F&R    It was resolved to approve the implementation of a BACs facility to enable payroll payments to be automated.

Financial reports

53/19/F&R     The quarterly review of bank account reconciliations was noted.

54/19/F&R     The date of the next meeting for this committee was noted as Monday 14th October 2019

Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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