Minutes of the meeting held on 10th August 2020 at 6:30pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr Peter Clayton (Chairman) with Cllrs Alan Matthews, Mike Facey, Dawn Carey, Phil Harvey and Sue Harvey with Sam Winter (Town Clerk) in attendance.
39/20/HR To receive apologies for non-attendance
Cllr Carey notified late attendance
40/20/HR To receive any declarations of interest on items included on this Agenda.
41/20/THR Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Human Resources meeting held on 4th June 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Motions for note/resolution
42/20/HR To receive a report on staffing roles and structure across the council and agree any adjustments
The meeting considered the council’s staffing structure against its existing budget and agreed subsequent changes to staffing roles to create efficiencies, including approving the town clerk’s office to conduct a review of the grounds team with the aim of bringing the ranger role within existing functions, where possible, including the application of any salary adjustments. It was proposed by Cllr Clayton, seconded by Cllr Hancock and resolved to approve the revised staffing reviews & structure (outlined below), within existing budgets:

43/20/HR To receive an update on the recruitment of the new post of Town Ranger.
The chairman updated the meeting to confirm that the sifting process had resulted in too few applicants who demonstrated to the satisfaction of the panel that they fully met the necessary criteria. The meeting noted that, as the role was identified as a permanent position, the lack of suitable candidates, combined with the uncertainty with public health, finance and local government restructuring, led to a decision being taken that the recruitment process should not proceed without a more detailed review of the post & how it meets operational need (as subsequently resolved under min 42/20/HR).
44/20/HR To note the resignation of a member of cleaning staff.
The resignation from the Princess Theatre was noted and any future recruitment for the position was as resolved under the staffing structure per min ref: 42/20/HR.
Cllr Carey joined meeting
45/20/HR To note the resignation of the Projects Officer prior to the end of the fixed term.
The resignation was noted.
46/20/HR To approve the reduction of the admin officer’s hours to part time
It was resolved to approve the reduction in hours.
47/20/HR To approve the clerk’s continued full-time working hours (as budgeted)
It was approved to apply full time hours to the clerk’s role.
48/20/HR To approve the RFO’s full-time working hours beginning September (as budgeted)
It was approved to apply full time hours to the RFO’s role from September.
49/20/HR To consider the RFO’s role and agree any changes.
The role was considered and the additional tasks undertaken outside of the amended (min ref: 23/20/HR) job description were acknowledged. It was proposed by Cllr Clayton, seconded by Cllr Facey and resolved to adjust the RFO’s pay point to SCP 28 as of 1st April 2020.
50/20/HR To approve the staff data protection privacy policy & notices
The data protection policy, privacy notice for staff, councillors and role holders and privacy notice (recruitment) were approved.
It was noted that a subject access policy and criminal records policy were to follow.
51/20/HR To consider the position with regards application of the Green Book on pay and conditions of service of staff
The meeting considered the application of the Green Book provisions to staff employed by the town council and agreed that the Book should apply across all staff in line with the council’s aim to be a responsible employer, in line with the corporate plan. It was proposed by Cllr S Harvey, seconded by Cllr Clayton and resolved that the provisions of the Green Book are applied by the town council, as a local authority, to contracts and conditions of employment of staff.
52/20/HR To review and approve the content of the updated staff handbook
The revised handbook was reviewed and approved to apply to all employees.
53/20/TC Date of Next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on 1st October 2020 at 6:30pm at a venue to be confirmed.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 19:26hrs.