To: The Chairman – Cllr M Facey, Cllrs P Clayton (Vice Chair), C Allen, B Hancock, P Harvey, S Harvey, H Groves, M Murphy, L Parkin, N Tolley, A Brewer and A Matthews.
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of the Finance & Resources Committee to be held at 7pm on 23rd November 2020
Yours sincerely
Samantha Winter
Town Clerk
16th November 2020
This meeting will be held remotely using Zoom. The meeting invitation is:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 946 4304 4861
Passcode: 616427
All attendees must display their true name on joining the remote meeting.
Please visit for guidance on how to gain remote public access to the meeting and for all non-confidential meeting papers.
A public participation session will be held prior the commencement of the formal meeting. Anyone wishing to speak on any matter should give notice to the Clerk by midday on the last working day before the meeting. No resolution can be made on any matter that is not on the agenda.
Please be aware that meetings are recorded
- To receive apologies for non-attendance
- To receive any declarations of interest on items included on this Agenda.
- To receive and approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on Monday 12th October 2020 (copy enclosed)
- To note updates to the Action List (attached)
- Motions for note/resolution
5.1 | To consider the SCC proposed cost contributions to the 67 bus. |
5.2 | To receive & consider a proposal from the Burnham heritage group regarding purchase of property to open a heritage centre. |
5.3 | To approve a draft expenses policy for staff & councillors |
5.4 | To note that a zoom account is available to councillors for use in conducting ward surgeries or non-political activities/tasks agreed by the council (non-contractual cost £11.99 per month, when required). |
5.5 | To consider and resolve the provision of a new contract for telephones and broadband. |
5.6 | To approve full draft budget |
5.7 | To review the ear marked reserves |
5.8 | To approve the list of regular payments made by direct debit |
5.9 | To approve the continuation of making payments by BACS |
5.10 | To note that the Prepaid card was topped up by an additional £2,000 after authorisation from the Chairman and Vice Chairman of this committee |
5.11 | To approve to pay up to £900 from budget 4032 101 (Publicity) for the production of leaflets to promote town heritage (leaflet detail to be provided by the heritage group & will feature the town crest). Item amended 20/11 |
6. Financial Reports
6.1 | To note the full Councils income and expenditure report up until 30/09/2020 |
6.2 | To note the earmarked reserves as of 30/09/2020 |
7. The next meeting of this committee will be held on Monday 25th January 2021 at 7pm.