To: The Chairman – Cllr P Clayton, Cllr M Facey, Cllr B Hancock, Cllr A Matthews, Cllr D Carey, Cllr S Harvey, Cllr P Harvey.
You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of the Human Resources Committee to be held at 6pm on 17th March 2019 in the Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea.
Yours sincerely
Cllr P Clayton,
Committee Chairman 11 March 2019
A public participation session will be held prior the commencement of the formal meeting. Anyone wishing to speak on any matter should give notice to the Clerk by midday on the last working day before the meeting. No resolution can be made on any matter that is not on the agenda. Please be aware that meetings are audio recorded.
- To receive apologies for non-attendance
- To receive any declarations of interest on items included on this Agenda. Motions for note/resolution
- To consider and approve the updated Complaints Procedure
- To consider and approve the proposed Pandemic Policy & Procedure
- To receive an update from the Town Clerk on actions taken to address operations in relation to Coronavirus
- To consider what pay and time off procedures will apply to staff in relation to Coronavirus
- To agree changes to the office public opening times
- To approve the job description & person specification for the post of Town Ranger (to be tabled)
- To resolve to exclude the press and public during items 10 and 11 due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed that relate to staffing.
- To consider the recommendations on changes to the RFO terms and conditions of employment and resolve recommended changes
- To consider the workload and working hours of the Town Clerk and resolve changes
Financial Reports
- To approve the staff pay points and budgetary position 2020/21
- The next scheduled meeting of this committee will be held on 4th June 2020 at 7pm The Old Courthouse.