Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 7pm via video-conferencing
Present: Cllrs: Chris Allen (Chair), Andy Brewer, Sue Harvey, Janet Keen, Colette Winfield, and Steve Lester (no voting rights), Alistair Gordon (no voting rights) with Lorna Williams (Deputy Clerk) in attendance.
There were no members of the public or press present.
Public Participation
There were no speakers.
17/20/BC Apologies
None, all committee present
18/20/BC Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
There were none
19/20/BC Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Burial Committee meeting held on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Motions for note/resolution
20/20/BC Burial Service and maintenance of cemeteries.
The meeting noted the operational update on the burial service and grounds maintenance.
The meeting agreed that a new gate should be installed before the tarmac was laid.
The meeting was in agreement that 3 quotes were sought for the provision of replacement CCTV at Brent Road Cemetery from the burglary and for a new provision at Highbridge Cemetery.
21/20/BC To resolve the area of Tarmac on central path at Highbridge Cemetery
The meeting considered the further information and photographs that had been obtained including that there were no further fees from the prices quoted.
The meeting resolved that the whole length of the central path would be tarmacked as this was seen to be the cheapest option from the chosen contractor. It was agreed that Ear Marked Reserves – code 394 would be used.
The Clerk reminded the meeting that this work could happen at the same time as the tarmac required to complete the water leak job. This is covered by the Financial Regulations (sect 11.a.iv).
22/20/BC To resolve in principle, the tender/quotation process for the hiring of a digger
The meeting heard that the Town Council currently use a contractor who is 100% reliable, but may not be best value. The meeting was concerned about the security of the equipment whilst on hire and the training involved to use a digger, along with health and safety and risk assessments.
The meeting agreed to resolve that the Clerk should get quotes and supply all the additional information so that an informed decision could be made at the next meeting.
23/20/BC To receive a report on burial plots in Brent Road Cemetery and resolve future actions.
The meeting considered the report in extending the Town Councils existing burial ground and it was resolved to instruct the Clerk to start proceedings by contacting the Environment Agency to establish the necessary requirements to extend the burial ground.
24/20/BC To receive a report on Ear Marked Reserves
The meeting received the report and resolved the Earmarked Reserves held, in particular for the Provision of Paths – £78,518 and Construction Costs – £77,559 should be maintained.
25/20/BC To receive the budget income and expenditure reports for September
The meeting noted the income and expenditure for September 2020
26/20/BC To consider the Budget for 2020/21
The meeting resolved that there would be no change in the fees and charges for 2021/22
The meeting considered the draft Burial Committee budget.
It was resolved to approve thedraft budget for recommendation to the full council with the addition of £500 for the provision of new trees.
27/20/BC Date of Next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on 24th February 2021.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10pm