Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 13th April 2021 at 7pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr Louise Parkin (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Dawn Carey, Phil Harvey, Andy Brewer, Nick Tolley, Mike Murphy, Colette Winfield, Mike Facey (Ex-officio) with Lorna Williams (Deputy Clerk), Beccy Armory (Business Development Officer) and Sally Jones (RFO) in attendance.
One member of the public was present and one member of the press.
Public Participation
There were no speakers.
19/21/PMC Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Andy Hodge
20/21/PMC Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
There were no declarations made.
21/21/PMC Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th February 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
22/21/PMC Action List
The Action List was noted. Cllr Tolley updated the meeting with regards to finding a suitable new hanging space for the large portrait. Contact has been made with the family, outcome yet to be discussed.
23/21/PMC To receive the report of the Business Development Officer
The meeting received the written report, which included information on current and planned activities including working with Seed to set up a virtual choir, podcasts of plays that are ready to download. Risk Assessments are completed with the help of Ellis Whittam. Cultural Recovery Funding#2 had been awarded to the sum of £27356 and the BDO informed the meeting that they had also been awarded recovery funding from Somerset Community Foundation to the sum of £5000.
The meeting thanked the BDO for her tenacity in finding and using her skills in successfully obtaining grant awards.
Motions for note/resolution
24/21/PMC To retrospectively agree the use of unallocated publicity and tech budget to cover staff absence
The meeting agreed to discuss and resolve this item in the confidential session whilst considering the proposed new staffing measures.
25/21/PMC To agree plans for reopening in line with Government guidelines
The meeting received a list of suggestions that fall in line with Government roadmap of dates. It was recognised that some degree of flexibility would be required. There had been a small number of setbacks regarding the installation of the seating, but a new timeline for completion was expected imminently. It was noted that the free trial film screening after 17th May would be a good opportunity to use the new equipment and also to give the volunteers an occasion to prepare and test processes.
26/21/PMC To agree an extension of the existing refurbishment contract for works to backstage access to the value of £3950 funded by CRF#2
The meeting considered the report to address safeguarding and access issues and noted that the costs of works to backstage access would be met by the CRF#2. The meeting resolved that these works at a cost of £3950 should go ahead and be completed prior to reopening.
27/21/PMC To agree proposed budget for stage borders upgrade covered by CRF#1 undesignated funds
The meeting considered the report and resolved that the CRF#1 undesignated funds should be used to provide new stage legs, border and tracks at a cost of £2952.77
28/21/PMC To discuss ongoing maintenance routines for the entrance to the building and the outside steps
The meeting heard from the BDO that to keep the outside space well maintained and clean a regular programme of general duties would be formulated and a request to involve the Town Rangers and Theatre Volunteers would be sought. Items would include the car park, steps, frontage and wrought iron palisades.
29/21/PMC To resolve to exclude the press and public during agenda items 6.1, 6.6 & 6.7 ( min refs:32/33/34/21/PMC) inclusive, due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed that relate to staffing & commercial interests
It was resolved to exclude the Press & Public for items 32/33/34/21/PMC
30/21/PMC Financial Reports
The financial reports were received and noted.
31/21/PMC Date of Next meetings
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on Tuesday 8th June 2021 at 7pm.
The public and press left the meeting, as requested by the chairman.
32/21/PMC CONFIDENTIAL: To retrospectively agree the use of unallocated publicity and tech budget to cover staff absence.
The BDO updated the meeting on staffing issues and it was resolved that the unallocated publicity and tech budget could be used to pay for staff undertaking duties of others assisting the BDO during this period.
33/21/PMC CONFIDENTIAL: To receive a confidential report from the working group regarding the café lease and agree next steps
The meeting received a confidential report from the working group, with recommendations, and resolved that the lease will be awarded to Hellend’s Kitchen, who met all the required criteria.
34/21/PMC CONFIDENTIAL: To receive and agree new staffing measures as per report from BDO
The meeting resolved to extend the contract for services with the technician, who will also assist with facilities and maintenance, and it was also agreed that a temporary freelance front of house coordinator will be recruited. Both of these positions will be for the 2021/22 period using CRF#2 funds, reallocated staff budget and Somerset Community Foundation recovery grant. The BDO explained that core cost fundraising remains high on the work priority list.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.55pm