Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council



Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 5th October 2020 at 7pm via video conferencing.

Present: Cllrs Mike Facey (Chairman), Andy Brewer, Bill Hancock, Nick Tolley, Chris Allen, Sue Barber, Dawn Carey, Peter Clayton, Phil Harvey, Sue Harvey, Andy Hodge, Janet Keen, Alan Matthews, Louise Parkin, Colette Winfield with Sam Winter, Town Clerk in attendance.

1 member of the press & 1 member of the public were in attendance

Public participation session

There were no speakers.

139/20/TC       Apologies


                        Cllrs Groves & Murphy were absent

140/20/TC       Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted

Cllrs Hodge & Carey each declared an interest in item 158.

141/20/TC       Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 3rd August 2020 and the extraordinary meeting on 18th August 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

142/20/TC       Action List

The Action List was noted as completed

143/20/TC       Report from the Police

There was no report.

144/20/TC       Chairman’s Announcements

The Chairman reported that he has been pleased to be able to attend every event to which he has been invited and was especially delighted to be on the seafront to welcome Andy Brewer home from his Barb fundraising cycle ride from Burnham-on-Crouch.

                        Cllr Brewer joined the meeting & had no interests to declare

145/20/TC       Reports from County Cllrs on County Council

There was no report

146/20/TC       Reports from District Cllrs on District Council relevant matters

Members received a written report from district Cllr Keen on a number of matters relevant to district council operations, along with confirmation that, due to the public health position, the managing committee of the Highbridge Festival of Arts has announced it will not run the Festival in 2021.

A report was received from district Cllr Facey to state that Sedgemoor DC has announced it will redevelop Crosses Penn play area in conjunction with Wicksteed Leisure. 

147/20/TC       Reports from members attending meetings of outside bodies

Members received a report from Cllr Allen re: Rural Market Towns Group in which the purpose of the group was outlined and a link provided to the website.

Members briefly discussed the anti-social behaviour problems reported to town councillors by traders in Highbridge. The meeting was advised that the police are working with Sedgemoor DC and complainants should report any incidents to the police.

Motions for note/resolution

148/20/TC       To receive a recommendation from the Finance and Resources Committee (min ref 42/20/F&R) that the town council continues to follow the existing Financial Regulations

The meeting approved the continued application of the financial regulations.

149/20/TC       To consider any recommendations from the town improvement committee regarding footfall in Burnham town centre

 There were no committee recommendations.

150/20/TC       To note that town council premises are registered with the NHS track and trace QR system and that all staff and visitors to the buildings are required to either use the app to check-in, or to complete a sign-in with the staff member.

The meeting noted the registration.

151/20/TC       To receive the track and trace privacy notice.

The meeting received the notice as circulated to all councillors.

152/20/TC       To resolve to exclude press and public from the meeting during item 13 for reasons of data protection when considering the nominations for recipients of a civic award

It was resolved to exclude the press and public for item 158/20/TC.


153/20/TC       To receive and approve the details of expenditure for July and August 2020.

The details of expenditure for July and August 2020, were received and approved.

In response to a question regarding works carried out to trees, the town clerk assured members that all expenditure is made according to the procedures as laid down in the council’s financial regulations.

154/20/TC       To approve the Town Council accounts for the month of August 2020, were received and approved

The Town Council accounts for the month of August 2020, were received and approved.

155/20/TC       Minutes of previous committee meetings:

It was noted that the minutes of the following committees had been circulated and received.

  1. Tues 11th August           Princess Management
  2. Mon 24th August            Planning
  3. Mon 14th September      Planning
  4. Mon 21st September      Finance & Resources
  5. Weds 23rd September   Burial
156/20/TC       Correspondence

The list of items of correspondence was received.

157/20/TC       Date of Next meetings

The dates were noted as listed

 Monday12thFinance & Resources (draft Budget)
 Tuesday27thPrincess Management (draft budget)
 NovemberWednesday11thBurial (draft budget)
 Monday16thTown Improvements (Draft Budget)
 Monday23rdFinance & Resources(Full Draft Budget)
 DecemberTuesday1stPrincess Management
 Monday7thTown Council (Draft Budget)

The public and press left the meeting, as requested by the chairman.

158/20/TC       To enter closed session for consideration the nominations for the recipients of civic awards and to agree award winners.

Clarification was given that a councillor’s interest is a matter for that councillor and significant consideration should be given to the existence of an interest where a councillor has a close business or personal relationship with a nominee, in which case that councillor is advised to abstain from the vote. Cllrs Carey & Hodge did not participate in discussion or vote where they had a relationship with the person nominated.

The meeting considered the nominations for recipients of civic awards and agreed a final list of recipients.

 The Chairman closed the meeting at 20:09hrs.

Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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