MINUTES: Seafront enhancement sub-committee
(of the Town Improvements Committee)
• Minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2021 via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr M Facey, Cllr P Clayton, Cllr P Harvey, Cllr M Murphy, Cllr C Allen with Steve Matthews, Project Coordinator, Sam Winter, Town Clerk and Sally Jones, RFO.
1/21/Sea To receive apologies for non-attendance
Cllrs Carey & Hodge
2/22/Sea To receive any declarations of interest on items included on this agenda.
3/21/Sea The minutes of the sub-committee meeting held on 29th June 2020 and 15th October 2020 were approved and signed by the chairman as a correct record
4/21/Sea To receive an update on the position as regards match funding.
Confirmation has been received from SDC that it will evidence its expenditure made to meet the level of match funding agreed according to the assertions in the CIM agreement. Evidence awaited.
5/21/Sea To receive an update on the live elements of the Burnham Evolution plan
- Signage:
The meeting heard that the supplier of the town council fingerposts did not provide the seafront lamppost mounted fingerposts, which are the property of others.
The Project Coordinator will proceed with requesting a discounted quote from the original supplier to replace the town council owned fingerpost (with guarantees) that have aged poorly.
Additionally, quotes will be sought to replace the seafront fingerposts that are mounted on lampposts and that require permissions from owners.
It was resolved that, providing the quotes are within budget, and on email liaison with the sub-committee, the town clerk will proceed with authorisation of the order for town council owned fingerposts.
- HPC sign:
Wording will be agreed in liaison with EDF. - Benches & Bins
Working with SDC, 15 replacement benches and 10 gull-proof bins will be installed. It was agreed that the bins and bench feet in the play area will be coloured light blue to fit with the Wicksteed design. - Lighting:
The old decorations have been removed and lawfully disposed of.
The meeting heard that the lighting to the north of the jetty has been replaced by Somerset County Council with heritage style LED lanterns. The lights along the south are due for replacement by Sedgemoor District Council in the 2021/22 year as part of its LED replacement programme.
The Project Coordinator confirmed that SDC has approved that this TC is permitted to proceed with repainting the southern seafront lampposts. Permission for repainting the SCC posts is still outstanding. Consideration will be given to other options for decorative seafront lighting
It was resolved that the Project Coord & town clerk should proceed with the procurement of permitted repainting works, within budget.
- seafront shelters:
Just £4k of the shelter funding has been allocated (south Esplanade play area shelter).
It was resolved that a recommendation will be made to the March meeting of the full council that it approves a request to the CIM Board to reallocate surplus shelter funds to other BE projects that have a funding shortfall (to be submitted in a report to the council by the town clerk/Project Coord).
- works related to coach area (dedicated drop-off/collection point, hut & camera)
The meeting heard that SDC has approved the type of permitted building, and that it is required that power to the building is necessary for lighting and a small heater (water is not required). The cost for installation of the complete building is c.£11k over budget at c.£25k total.
It was resolved that the recommendation to the March meeting of the full council will include the shortfall funding in the coach building (min ref: 5/21/sea (5), above).
It was agreed that consideration is required to the ongoing use and promotion of the facility for the benefit of the visitor economy. The marketing budget is required to be used across all of the BE projects, as appropriate.
It was resolved that a recommendation is made to a future meeting of the Town Improvements Committee that it considers the options for promotion of a coach facility and other projects under the Burnham Evolution project, for the benefit of supporting the visitor economy.
Cllr Harvey left the meeting
6/21/sea Next steps for play area
The meeting heard that SDC has agreed to issue 2 licenses, as follows:
a) To undertake the installation works; and
b) An annual, renewable license to site the equipment on SDC land
7/21/sea Maintenance budget
The meeting heard that the BE plan is not explicit about the uses of the £25k maintenance budget (since the ‘hub’ project did not proceed). The budget is to be used within the fund period. It was stated in the Project Coordinator’s most recent progress report to the CIM board that the fund would be interpreted as being applicable to maintenance of all BE delivered projects. CIM has approved this progress report and issued the next tranche of funding.
Maintenance funding has been costed and allocated as follows:
a) Five-year maintenance contract for the Princess seating @c.£5.5k
b) Play inspections agreement with SDC over 2 years @ £925 pa
It was reiterated that once uncertainties around LGR are resolved, the town council will revisit its arrangements for play area inspections.
It was resolved that the project Coordinator should seek quotes to use the budget for the following maintenance:
a) To power clean the seawall, which will aid the future installation of art works, and the shelter areas; and
b) To re-paint the lighting columns (supplement the lighting budget), bollards and the complete chains (the town clerk will report the broken chains to SDC for repair as a safety matter)
8/21/sea Agree any recommendations to TIMPS
As recorded above.
9/21/Sea Next meeting TBC