Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th March 2021 at 7pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr Mike Facey (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Chris Allen, Bill Hancock, Nick Tolley, Allan Matthews, Phil Harvey, Sue Harvey, Mike Murphy, and Andrew Brewer with Sally Jones (RFO) in attendance.
Two members of the public and one member of the media were present.
Public Participation
There were no speakers.
12/21/F&R Apologies
Cllr Louise Parkin
Cllr Helen Groves was absent
13/21/F&R Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
There were no declarations made.
14/21/F&R Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee held on 25th January 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
15/21/F&R Action List
The Action List was noted as completed
Motions for note/resolution
16/21/F&R To receive a proposal from Cllr P Harvey to consider the operational hours and financial position of public toilets at Crosses Penn and agree how to proceed
The meeting heard that members of the public have approached councillors requesting longer opening hours of public toilets. Due to the recent play area upgrade it was agreed that there is likely to be an increase in demand. The pandemic and mild weather appears to have led to an increase in year round outside activities. It was confirmed that Sedgemoor District Council have agreed to charge the town council 50% of the costs to open the toilets. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to fund the year round opening of the toilets at Crosses Penn at a cost of £5256.19 and Sedgemoor DC will be asked to ensure the facility is kept in good order. The funds to come from the ear marked reserve 363.
In discussion of the matter, the chairman heard Cllr Hodge who spoke, but did not vote.
17/21/F&R To agree to extend the deadline for this year’s grants to be spent
The meeting heard that many of the community groups that had received grants funding this year have faced difficulties in using it due to the public health restrictions. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that those who have been awarded grants will be offered an extension to use their funds until 31st March 2022.
18/21/F&R To agree to move the remaining balance of the 2020-21 grant budget into a COVID grant pot to be allocated using rapid grants during 2021-2022
The meeting heard that there will be funds remaining in the grant budget this year and that the Council could agree for the funds to be moved over and used to support groups who rely on rapid Covid grants in the next financial year. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the remaining funds in the grants budget are moved over into 21/22 and that the position of the fund is reviewed in six months’ time.
19/21/F&R Financial Reports
The financial reports were received and noted.
20/21/F&R Date of Next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on Monday 26th April 2021 at 7pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 19:17