Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7pm via video conferencing.
Present: Cllr Louise Parkin (Chairman), Cllrs Peter Clayton, Dawn Carey, Andy Hodge, Phil Harvey, Andy Brewer, Nick Tolley, Mike Murphy, Mike Facey (Ex-officio)
with Sam Winter (Town Clerk), Beccy Armory (Business Development Officer) in attendance.
One member of the public and one member of the media were present.
Public Participation
There were no speakers.
01/21/TC Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Colette Winfield.
02/21/TC Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted
There were no declarations made.
03/21/TC Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on 1st December 2020 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
04/21/TC Action List
The Action List was noted.
05/21/PMC To receive the report of the Business Development Officer
The meeting received the written report, which included information on current and planned activities and workloads, with a priority noted as the safe recruitment of future volunteers. It was clarified that the Princess’ purchase of equipment (including PA) was to future-proof its ability to live stream National Theatre productions without competing with the local Ritz cinema, which is entirely supportive of the mutual goal to develop audiences across venues in both towns.
Motions for note/resolution
06/21/PMC To agree volunteers, receive free membership as reward for service
The meeting was in vocal agreement that the Princess relies on volunteers and recognised they are the ‘lifeblood’ of the facility. It was resolved that volunteers will be given free membership to the theatre so they will not pay a booking fee when buying tickets. The BDO will circulate to the committee a list of all benefits enjoyed by volunteers.
07/21/PMC To approve the Cultural Recovery Fund works as stated in the application, subject to the grant being awarded
The meeting received a written report and heard that the round 2 application focussed on funding to engage freelance staff under short contracts so that the Princess will be fully prepared to open safely, when permitted, with the pressure taken off volunteers during what will be a time of change and increased health & safety requirements. It was noted that round one of CRF funding permitted reallocation of funds when it was not possible to use them as granted. It was resolved to approve the projects applied for under the second CRF fund application.
08/21/PMC To consider the potential for recommending to the council that it supports an outside project, led by The Princess, at a cost of £2500
The meeting received a written report detailing a potential outside Poetry Pin activity where participants join a non-contact, socially distanced activity using mobile devices to geotag words and responses to locations. It was resolved that the Princess will seek the agreement of the Town Improvements Committee to progress the parish-wide activity, enabling promotion of the Princess to a wider audience.
09/21/PMC To acknowledge circulation of the inspection reports of the refurbishments to date
The meeting acknowledged receipt of the Project Coordinator’s reports to date, acknowledging the high standard of the refurbishment but recognising the existing imperative to continue to respect public health movement restriction by not making unnecessary visits to the staffed building.
10/21/PMC To receive the financial statement of the refurbishment works, including the forecast final account and valuation to date.
The meeting received the financial information and acknowledged that the £254.12 forecast overspend ensures that the entire grant is spent on the works as prioritised.
11/21/PMC To note that the town council has approved that the café should be leased according to the recommendation of the Finance & Resources Committee
The meeting noted the resolution.
12/21/PMC To agree a panel of 2 councillors to consider the tender submissions for the Café and report back to the PMC
The meeting agreed that the PMC chairman and vice chairman will undertake initial consideration of the submissions and report back to the committee to assist the committee’s final decision on the café lease.
13/21/PMC To consider the Seed Accelerator Report and identify any opportunities for partnership working (with further consideration by other committees of the town council)
It was agreed that councillors will take their comments to the meeting of the council where the relationship of the corporate body with the Seed projects will be discussed.
Cllr P Harvey left the meeting
14/21/PMC To receive an update on staffing matters & implications for the key holder/emergency call-out process
The meeting noted that at the present time there is a single person voluntarily covering the emergency call-out. It was resolved that the clerk will take the matter to the HR sub-committee for resolution.
15/21/PMC To consider wording for a brass presentation plaque from MD Group in relation to the current refurbishment
The meeting acknowledged the highly professional work undertaken by the MD Group and others involved in the refurbishment and it was agreed that the Mayor will write to the company in recognition of their work. It was noted that a plaque will be provided by EDF to recognise the CIM funding that permitted the works, and consideration will be given to appropriate wording on that plaque.
16/21/PMC To consider the future of the large picture previously hung over the stairs (and an update on the portrait of Sir Pizey).
The meeting heard that the picture was gifted to the Princess by a local artist in celebration of a wedding held at the venue. It was recognised that its display has been enjoyed by visitors over many years and should now be offered to the painter’s family in the first instance. If the painting is unable to be returned to the family, it was resolved that it should be sold for the benefit of the Princess.
It was additionally noted that, on request, the portrait of Sir Mark Pizey has been returned to the family in exchange for a picture that recognises the significance of both Sir and lady Pizey to the Princess. An information panel will be installed to accompany the picture.
17/21/TC Financial Reports
The financial reports were received and noted.
18/21/TC Date of Next meetings
It was noted that the next meeting of this committee will be held on Tuesday 13th April 2021 at 7pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 1946