13th September 2021 Town Improvements Committee minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 13th September 2021 at 7pm at The Old Courthouse, Jaycroft Road, Burnham-on-Sea.

Present: Cllr Andy Hodge (Chairman), Cllrs Chris Allen, Peter Clayton, Phil Harvey, Mike Murphy, Nick Tolley, Mike Facey with Sam Winter (Town Clerk) and Lily Newton-Browne (Communications & Marketing Officer) in attendance.

Three members of the public including one member of the media were present.

52/21/TIMP   Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Janet Keen, Sue Barber and Dawn Carey

53/21/TIMP   Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda & dispensations granted

                        There were no declarations made

54/21/TIMP   Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Town Improvements Committee meeting held on 12th July 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

55/21/TIMP   Action List

                        The Action List updates were noted.

                        Motions for note/resolution

56/21/TIMP   Formal announcements from the chair

Cllr Hodge recognised the success and hard work undertaken by the BoSFest committee in organising the recent event on 3rd, 4th and 5th September 2021.


57/21/TIMP   Public participation session

A resident offered ideas that might be used to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee in June 2022, which included sourcing a beacon brazier and suggestions for a commemorative mosaic.

58/21/TIMP   To consider any action required on matters raised in the public participation session

                        Ref. item 59/21/TIMP

Motions for note/resolution

59/21/TIMP To agree how to proceed with the organisation of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons and any other event in June 2022 Discussion noted the meeting was pleased to mark the occasion through use of the town crier, town band and the lighting of a beacon(s).   It was proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded and resolved that the existing seafront working group meets to agree a suitable location for a beacon(s) and to consider other possible celebrations in either town before reporting back to the committee.
60/21/TIMP To receive an update from councillors Clayton & Keen on progress with plans for Christmas lights switch-on events. The meeting received updates to confirm that plans are progressing for switch-on events in both towns. It was noted that Burnham’s all-day switch-on event is planned for 20th November, to include charity stalls, entertainment and live music, and the Highbridge switch-on is planned for 27th November with activities to be confirmed.  
61/21/TIMP To receive an update from Cllrs Keen & Barber on the winners of the gardening competition 2021 Cllr Facey updated the meeting to state that the competition entries showed great merit and that sight of the gardens on display lifted the spirits. The small awards ceremony held at Southwell gardens was well attended and winners were presented prizes donated by local businesses.
62/21/TIMP To receive an update from Cllr Carey on initial discussions with the Burnham Visitor Information Centre to explore how the town council can work with and assist the centre in marketing and promotion of Burnham and of the Burnham Evolution projects. The committee chairman presented a report from Cllr Carey to state that the visitor information centre is keen to work with the council to market Burnham, with a focus on making the most of the town’s level layout to enjoy walking experiences and walking trails whilst making the most of the local fauna and flora around the parish. The meeting heard that the information centre considers that walking experiences offer an opportunity to promote local retail and business to residents and visitors and that the centre has well established links with travel publications and would like to exploit those networks to the benefit of the visitor economy and to encourage coach tourism.   The report noted the opportunities to lobby bodies and fundraise to make improvements to the condition of the beach and to bring improved seafront entertainment. It was recognised that the centre manager’s ‘army’ of volunteers is willing to help at events across both towns, offering opportunities to get the residents involved and get the council in contact with those it represents.  
63/21/TIMP To note the submission made to the CIM board to seek approval to adjust CIM budgets as per min ref: 38/21/TIMP has been approved and works orders are being placed.   The outcome of the submission was welcomed and noted.  
64/21/TIMP To note that following a legal challenge on the location of the seafront children’s play area, the location has been revised to the grassed lawns, south of the original walled tarmac site, and that costs for associated additional works are being calculated.   The meeting received, without dissent, an observation from the committee chairman that the new site proposed by the landowner, Sedgemoor District council, will be c.200mtrs south of the original walled tarmac site and, although not ideal, offers a way forward to ensure the seafront play area is delivered.  
65/21/TIMP To consider a request from Cllr Clayton to install a traffic counter for one week at Ashtree Road, Burnham-on-Sea, at a cost of £225.   The meeting heard from Cllr Clayton and discussion included suggestions as to a number of traffic calming measures. It was heard that, in order to make use of the County Council Small Improvement Scheme to tackle problems with traffic at Ashtree road, there was first a need to hold evidence on the volume of traffic. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to install a traffic counter.     
66/21/TIMP To note the most recent GEO-Sense footfall reports for Burnham town centre.   The reports were noted and the meeting heard that further information on the positioning & sensitivity of sensors has been requested for circulation from the information provider, Sedgemoor District Council.
67/21/TIMP To note the most recent Springboard vacancy reports for Burnham-on-Sea.   The reports were received and it was noted that, despite the difficulties for high streets generally, the trends in Burnham were encouraging as the Burnham figure was lower than the UK average, with a high number of independent units 80% compared with UK average 38.7%.
68/21/TIMP To note the most recent Speed Indicator Device reports with associated traffic speeds and agree any future action (reports x2 provided).   Discussion identified that, although at both the Burnham Road & Berrow Road locations, the majority of speeds recorded were 30mph and below, the few vehicles that exceed the limit outside the school entrance present a risk to children. The meeting heard that previous data had been provided to the Police who, in response, had stationed a speed camera at Frank Foley Parkway & that the most recent data will also be shared with Police.
69/21/TIMP To ratify the action taken to reschedule the date of the Burnham fireworks display so that it reverts to its usual date of Sunday 7th November, in support of the local Carnival ‘Sedgemoor Weekend’. The meeting heard that, on consideration of all the circumstances, including residents’ feedback, the provisionally suggested October date for the fireworks offered no advantage over the usual November date. The meeting resolved to ratify the decision to return the fireworks to its usual point in the calendar on 7th November, offering support to tourism and the carnival’s ‘Sedgemoor weekend’.   
70/21/TIMP To note that a trailer has been purchased cost of £1,569 from budget 4044 303 (Vehicle Replacement) for use by the rangers in moving rubbish, green waste and the ride on mower to alternative sites.   The purchase was noted.

Financial Reports

71/21/TIMP To receive the income and expenditure report for July 2021. The reports were received.

Motions requiring exclusion of press and public due the confidential nature of the matter to be discussed.

72/21/TIMP To resolve to exclude press and public from item 73/21/TIMP & 74/21/TIMP (agenda items 10.2 & 10.3) due reasons of commercial interest relating to the award of contracts for seafront works under Burnham Evolution. The meeting resolved to exclude press and public.
73/21/TIMP To receive a report on the tender quotations received for completion of the Burnham seafront lamppost repainting works and to agree the award of contract.  The meeting considered a report and competitive tenders for the lamppost repainting element of the seafront enhancements scheme, payable from the Hinkley Point Community Impact Mitigation Fund grant, and resolved to award a contract for repainting works SSE Enterprise Lighting at a total cost of £10,541,99, adjusted to include contingency.  
74/21/TIMP To receive a report on the tender quotations received for completion of the scheme to replace Burnham town centre/ seafront signage and fingerposts and to note an order has been placed as per min ref: 23/21/TIMP  The meeting received a report with competitive tenders for the element of the seafront enhancements to replace signage/fingerposts, and approved the award of a contract for replacing seafront signage to MD Group at a total cost of £24,504.70 payable from the Hinkley Point Community Impact Mitigation Fund grant.  

75/21/TIMP   The next meeting of this committee will be held on Monday 15th November at 7pm.  

Records Retention Schedule

Financial Risk Management Policy - March 2023

Grant Application Kings Coronation Form

The Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, with an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023.

We are keen to hear from groups/organisations in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge that are looking to celebrate the Coronation. The Town Council has £1500 available to allocate to events being organised to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The maximum grant to be allocated per event will be £500.

You must meet the following criteria for your application to be considered:

– The event will be open to all members of the public

– The event will be free of charge

– The event will take place within the Coronation weekend

– The event will take place within Burnham on Sea or Highbridge


Applications will close on Monday 6th March at midday. 

Your organisation and contact details

What happens next....
Applications will be considered at the Finance and Resources Committee Meeting on Monday 13th March 2023. You will be notified after this date whether your application has been successful.
Burnham & Highbridge Town Council takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information for the purposes of contacting you about this grant. The Council’s privacy notice can be found here.

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